Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [modal v] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This ‘ conventional ’ behaviour is described with scare quotes because it is not clear that one would be justified in reading into it the constellation of reciprocal beliefs and intentions that someone like Lewis takes as constitutive of conventional behaviour .
2 So I have to say to you that whilst I 'm putting these forward , it 's absolutely clear that we would be having adverse comments and criticism er , from the S S I , and that you would be moving into areas that I ca n't recommend to you , but I , I put them forward as obviously illustrations .
3 It was n't fair , just or right for the Signora to come before the hour appointed ; she should have been admitted by Giovanna herself and the keys should have remained hanging on their appointed hook ; the other set being in the pocket of Giovanna 's overall from which she now drew them and held them up making it clear that they would be relinquished only upon her death and then only into the hands of Signor Kettering .
4 So the conclusions is : ‘ It is important therefore not to mobilise European resources until it is clear that they would be needed and not simply hinder the operation . ’
5 But the legislation does make it clear that they will be operating in a Church which has declared that it is right to ordain women to the Priesthood and does so ordain them .
6 since he came to our Lordships House with some very and has had to sit this thing ever since then with one exception er to speeches deeply and seriously critical er of the proposals er coming from Members of your Lordships House mostly with vast experience of the subject matter former Secretary 's er er former Chief Constable er and er so many others and I arise only to put one point to you if my Noble Friend decides to resist these amendments , it seems to me I may be wrong but it seems to me overwhelmingly clear that they will be carrying against him and they will be put into the Bill which will be very considerably altered and amended , some of your Lordships may think improved , but certainly drastically altered and I wonder whether er my Noble Friend thinks that really would be helpful from the point of view either of the pr future progress of the Bill , or the position of the Government .
7 I think that may be their pattern now , that they are n't going to stop erm unless made clear that they will be required to do so , and it 's further evidence that we are going to enforce this embargo .
8 It was clear that he would be getting married very soon .
9 Instead , at a press briefing , he made it clear that he would be looking to private benefactors to come to the rescue in extreme cases , and pointing to the successful purchases of ‘ Portrait of a lady with a squirrel and a starling ’ by Holbein for the National Gallery ( see The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , p.1 ) and Canaletto 's ‘ The Old Horse Guards , London , from St James 's Park ’ by Andrew Lloyd-Webber ( see The Art Newspaper No.19 June 1992 , p. 3 ) .
10 It could also prove too great a hurdle for Mr Gould , a well-known Euro-sceptic , who made clear that he would be pressing for Labour to rethink its economic policy and to advocate realignment of the pound within the European exchange rate mechanism to enable it to put forward more positive policies on industry and employment .
11 Mitch 's image alone does not make clear that he will be mocked rather than taken seriously as an object of desire .
12 Therefore , it is clear that there may be expected to be remains of comparable marine terraces at any level between that terrace and present sea level .
13 It is clear that it could be borne only if society itself were expanding in wealth and numbers .
14 The argument is sufficiently clear that it can be formulated mathematically , and the equilibrial balance calculated .
15 Whatever the status of the Newhart decision , it is clear that it will be confined to very narrow limits since to allow any such action would interfere with the primary duties of the receiver to protect the interests of the security holder .
16 It is also quite conceivable that they could be caused in part by stressful , low status jobs .
17 I thought it was improper that it should be used .
18 The connection was especially good , almost as if they were face to face , and Zen found himself resentful that he should be deprived of the usual screen of interference on an occasion when he could find nothing to say .
19 Since such fraudulent claimants are not actually unemployed , it is wrong that they should be counted as so .
20 England hooker Brian Moore believes the squad must think again , insisting : ‘ It is wrong that we should be portrayed as money-grabbers .
21 It was a matter of pride , of principle , among the faithful that it should be held .
22 Susan Roche , Legal and General Property associate director , said : ‘ The interest shown by shoppers , traders and the local authority is so high that we shall be mounting an exhibition of the proposals .
23 Of the remaining seven , three were imprisoned before they could contact the Council , two were afraid that they might be recognised walking into the Council 's offices , one had a ‘ habit so big ’ that he thought it would be a waste of time , and one had never heard of the service .
24 Shetlanders are afraid that they might be excluded from this market — with their higher salaries and various company safeguards , incomers are thought to be willing to make higher bids for scarce pieces of land .
25 The British had retreated so far from the position they had held at Chicago that Sir William Hildred and Sir Henry Self , in charge of the British delegation , were afraid that they would be overruled by the Air Ministry and BOAC .
26 I am afraid that I may be watching my own family and friends being killed .
27 He looked around , as if afraid that someone might be listening to their conversation .
28 New technology has produced phones so light that they can be carried unobtrusively in a shirt pocket .
29 It 's proper that we should be asking in the context of these proposals for boundary changes , affected as they are by the decision of the er first of all the French national assembly and now the French government to make life difficult for the other member states as far as the ratification of these proposals are concerned , it 's right that we should be asking what is the position of the British government in relation to these matters .
30 In a case involving a sum of money the property of a foreign state and whether it is proper that it should be paid to a firm of solicitors whose authority to act on behalf of that state is in question , the court should , with the assistance of an amicus if necessary , decline to make an order for the payment out of a sum in court to a firm of solicitors without being satisfied of the authority of that firm of solicitors .
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