Example sentences of "[adj] i [modal v] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But if you 're afraid I 'll lose my head once we 're alone together , by all means bring a chaperon . ’
2 I was afraid I might lose my train back to Dublin .
3 I used to be frightened to fall asleep at night sometimes , afraid I 'd stick my head out from under the clothes while I was asleep and wake up to find my head in a dragon 's mouth , before I died . ’
4 In warm I might give my hair a wash .
5 And I have to practically get permission from the Palace before I can go to the bloody bog in the morning because Her Maj is petrified I 'll put my foot in it again and encourage the republicans .
6 It 's well good I can hear your voice .
7 It was an honest mistake and one that all of the current Leeds back four have been repeating frequently since then — however if I ever see Bredan ‘ F***k**g ’ Gormless I 'll kick his head in ( NOT ! ) .
8 Even when she puts an important and sensible condition upon her offers to do Wilekin 's will : ( " if your request is reasonable I shall do your will " )
9 ‘ Whatever happens , ’ Brigadier Fowler-Thrown said , ‘ You may be sure I shall do my duty . ’
10 I 'm , I 'm sure I 'd change my mind if I was burgled .
11 Even before I had learned to walk my eldest sister used to dump me in an orange box on the pavement next to Granpa 's pitch just to be sure I could start my apprenticeship early .
12 I was n't sure I could do it justice and he was n't sure either .
13 ‘ I 've got to weigh it up carefully and make sure I can justify my selection . ’
14 I 'm not sure I can get my head round that .
15 ‘ You must get out of bed , ’ she said , ‘ and sit in this chair-then I can remake your bed . ’
16 ‘ If I go to Maui for the day , I 'm scared I might miss my chance . ’
17 If that comes true I 'll change my name to Russell Grant ( ! ) ; - )
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