Example sentences of "[adj] in the [noun sg] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Former Northern Ireland international O'Neill , who helped Nottingham Forest lift the European Cup in 1980 , has taken Wycombe 13 points clear in the race for Football League status .
2 Ironically the retirement confirms Oxfordshire 's Richard Dunwoody as unassailable in the race for champion jockey this year .
3 HP was , he said , very interested in the market for desktop Unix , the basis being its Visual User Environment product .
4 And even if it were , as it just might be , true , why should she assume that this old ex-pat , mainly interested in the hunt for gentleman 's relish , knew anything about it ?
5 PLEASE only telephone for information if you are REALLY interested in the item for sale .
6 When it came , there was nothing at all ominous in the reason for Christian 's unexpected visit … but it was none the less a bombshell .
7 The second- and third-years , who were already familiar faces , would make fewer demands on her ; it was too early in the year for anxieties about exams .
8 ‘ It 's too early in the season for tourists , and too early in the day for the locals , ’ Nathan explained .
9 Jonathan put that straight in the bin for mum , will you please ?
10 Mr Kwame Afo , a leader of the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Africa , one of the nationalist groups prominent in the campaign for reparations , estimated the costs to the US Government of proper reparation at some $4.1 trillion — close to a full year of the US gross national product .
11 By the 1820s they were especially prominent in the campaign for abstention .
12 People they suspect of being … over-zealous in the search for peace . ’
13 Victorian editors , embarrassed by the imputation of homosexuality , argued that it was quite customary in the Renaissance for men to write sonnets to men .
14 Thus was introduced the time when the Created God ceased to be produced solely from all that was good in the struggle for existence , and entered the period , still going on , when mankind itself began to influence the nature of that God .
15 it 's , Sterling is gon na be quite , really good in the future for jobs and for everything .
16 It was too late in the year for daffodils and tulips but there were a few cardboard boxes of cut flowers stacked on a trolley waiting for the Peterborough train .
17 This means that in addition to staff appointments governors are involved in the responsibility for staff dismissal and for the distribution of incentive allowances .
18 Ipswich Town are running away with the championship , but six teams are involved in the race for runners-up .
19 This surely puts the burden of proof the wrong way round : those most actively engaged in promoting Co-operation or , more precisely , Owenism , were involved in the fight for Reform .
20 This section will be of particular value to programme co-ordinators and staff involved in the planning for delivery of modules .
21 One of her major contributions to WACC has been being involved in the impetus for representation of women in decision-making at all levels and the inclusion of women 's issues as a focus of WACC activity .
22 Brathay Women 's Institute decided to work on Spinning Galleries , and as I am a spinner and weaver and at that time was a member of the Institute , I became involved in the search for galleries .
23 Nick Harman becomes involved in the search for Shelley — and the Eyes : what he finds is danger …
24 They saw adult education as an important primary resource for all those local people and professionals involved in the search for solutions to local community problems .
25 There is within the health sector and the popular movement as a whole a conscious and structured effort to involve as many as possible in the movement for change .
26 This world famous photo archive , which has grown to around 2.5 million images since Sir Robert Witt gave his collection of some 400,000 photos in 1944 to be freely available to any interested parties , is one of the most extensive in the world for paintings , sculpture and architecture .
27 In III Corps , one battalion of the Prussian Leib Grenadiers had been reduced to 196 strong in the fighting for Douaumont village , and another regiment of the same brigade had , by the second day of March , lost 38 officers and 1,151 men .
28 The mere increase in the variety of voluntary interests concerned in the demand for adult education implies new problems of planning and the need for increased participation by the Universities in the tasks of organisation .
29 On the other hand their impact is very considerable in the market for monographs , quality children 's books , and hardback fiction ( 90 % of the sales of which are to public libraries ) .
30 The tournament did , after all , offer a lot of prize money with £60,000 to the winner , and was therefore very important in the battle for inclusion in the Ryder Cup team .
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