Example sentences of "[adj] in [noun] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A voyage round Cape Horn , for instance , was quite different in character to the routine voyages to the East coast of the Americas or even to India .
2 The principle is different in relation to the term for which a lease is granted .
3 They were quite different in perspective to the followers and reaction of the more conventional actors like Newman and Redford , as the romantic anti-heroes of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid , also released in 1969 and which turned Redford into what was termed as a ‘ bona fide ’ box-office star .
4 The strength of the Labour Party lay in its ability to win votes , which became increasingly clear in relation to the Liberals after the granting of manhood suffrage in 1918 and had been clear in relation to other socialist groups ever since 1900 .
5 ‘ Mr. Burgess in my judgment was clearly an experienced careful solicitor and I have no hesitation in accepting his evidence that he did form the view that on 26 March 1986 Mr. Winterbone was not capable of making a will for the reasons he stated — namely that he was incoherent and confused in the sense that he was unable to remember names and addresses and he was not at all clear in relation to the names of the people that he wished to benefit .
6 Could Filmer have been so stupid as to get the horses ' names wrong in addition to the cities ?
7 Flying in the face of today 's ubiquitous electronickery , the turbocharger uses nothing more than a simple spring-loaded wastegate to regulate boost , which is never allowed to build too high in deference to the engine 's life expectancy .
8 Even if the chance of success in a wager is very slight , the bet should be accepted if the reward of the wager is disproportionately high in relation to the amount staked .
9 The only safeguard is to maintain the correct position carefully and to release at once if the glider is beginning to get too high in relation to the towplane .
10 This investment option is favoured when the costs of transport and tariffs are very high in relation to the product , as in detergents and many simple household products , or when the need for local service is high , as in accountancy services and retail banking .
11 This is essential if the head is to be free in relation to the rest of the body , so that the Primary Control can perform its natural function .
12 However , the sanction chosen should be real and effective , that is , it should satisfy cumulatively the following three conditions : ( a ) it should be adequate in relation to the damage sustained ( principle of proportionality ) , ( b ) it should have a real deterrent effect on the author of the infringement ( principle of effectiveness ) and ( c ) it should be at least comparable to the sanctions imposed for infringements of national law of similar nature and importance ( principle of non discrimination or of comparability ) .
13 The sanction imposed is real and effective since it satisfied all three conditions required by Community law ; it is adequate in relation to the damage sustained by the claimant , since the claimant is put in the position in which she would have been had the discriminatory refusal to hire her not occurred , both as concerns the post of employment and the income therefrom ; it has a real deterrent effect on the defendant bank who will not only have to pay the amount of about seven years ' monthly salary , plus interest , but will furthermore find itself with an additional employee ( the claimant and the man hired in her stead ) ; it is the same sanction as the one imposed for any other illegal refusal to hire .
14 Falcons are interested in food to the exclusion of everything else , but an owl likes to know precisely what 's going on around it , even if it 's hungry .
15 Two enormous sofas in a deep burgundy brocade looked hugely luxurious in contrast to the rest of the room as they faced each other across a low glass table .
16 The L1 protein shows a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activities in vitro , and its putative anti-proliferative properties are interesting in relation to the immunosuppression postulated to take place in lamina propria .
17 It is similar in type to the Simmental , though more elegantly built and the coat colour bright red rather than yellowish tan , and it shares the same origins in the old Bernese brought in by Mennonites during the eighteenth century ( see Alpine section ) .
18 On the redemption of a feuduty it is always open to parties to execute a deed similar in style to the Discharge provided for in Schedule B referred to above .
19 The new breakfast news station is expected to be similar in style to the TV-am format and much less formal than the BBC 's rigid Breakfast News show .
20 A smaller kouros , a modern forgery similar in style to the Getty Kouros and acquired by the Museum in 1990 for study purposes will also be included .
21 Another pretty Rasbora which comes exclusively from Sri Lanka , and is somewhat similar in shape to the Harlequin .
22 It was a cone , similar in shape to the temple , that dwarfed the other buildings in this quarter of the city .
23 The cross itself , red in colour , is similar in shape to the Iron Cross given to U-boat commanders and is worn , as they wore it , on the left breast .
24 Similar in concept to the endowment mortgage , the PEP mortgage offers compelling tax advantages .
25 He had been under the erroneous impression that Europe was just one big common market , similar in size to the United States , operating under free trade concepts , and with common laws , rules and regulations .
26 The most common for solid walls is the wall anchor , similar in principle to the wall plug , but utilising its own heavy-duty machine screw and requiring a much larger hole to be drilled in the wall ( typically 10mm compared with 6mm for most normal wall plugs ) .
27 This would be similar in principle to the Cramp v Smythson [ 1944 ] case discussed earlier in this chapter in which copyright was denied to a simple diary because the commonplace nature of the information left little room for judgment in the selection and organization of the information .
28 Centralised installations are also available similar in principle to the pressure jet installations with a fixed remote suction pump and collection chamber and with a ring main and suction points to which wander hoses may be connected .
29 The word grammar used in the ANLT is based on Gazdar 's GPSG model of syntactic features and is similar in structure to the sentence grammar .
30 48 ) , is very similar in structure to the Kingscote mosaic .
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