Example sentences of "[adj] and he [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , anybody could see that the stupid bu er the way they 've he was made up to look like a forty year old and he still looked like a twenty year old !
2 Well my my mother had five children with her previous husband and my father met my mother while this fella was ill and he eventually died with T B and my father married my mother and took on these five children i in , in South Wales .
3 It was a natural thing for them to do so I did n't take any action — told them in no uncertain terms that this man was ill and he eventually came to and everyone was happy then .
4 I 've heard in fac er in my factory , I 've heard it in other places , right , when a temporary l temporary or casual worker goes down the road , or a part-timer work 's cut short , ah it 's only a casual and he only expected to be here for a few weeks .
5 But Karajan 's will was superhuman where music is concerned and he always had in his hand a trump card : a capacity for inner detachment that left him free of bitterness or rancour for all that has been written and said about him over the years .
6 His wife was sickly and he also feared for his young son 's life .
7 In fact Arieti 's coverage of the latter is very cursory and he swiftly shifts to a discussion of examples of , to use Pickering 's term , ‘ creative malady ’ ; such as Proust 's asthma and Darwin ‘ s psychosomatic palpitations — examples that are interesting in themselves but largely irrelevant to the creativity/psychosis debate .
8 It was very pleasant and peaceful and he almost forgot about the boy .
9 His own political standpoint remained obscure and he wisely campaigned on the broad issue of honest government .
10 She found him uncouth and dirty and he often smelt of abattoirs and of the chicken carcases or sides of beef he had been painting .
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