Example sentences of "[adj] get back [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , I certainly find that if I sit down and play blues for forty-five minutes or an hour , it 's hard to get back into the rock feel .
2 His slides were good and his descriptions fairly accurate , but I sensed we were all glad to get back to the comfort of the hotel and I to my electric fire .
3 And then I expect you 'll be glad to get back to the Vicarage .
4 So did I , thought Juliet , and for once she was glad to get back to the ward .
5 The damp close air was heavy about them , it slowed their pace and they were glad to get back to the steading and watch Sullivan repairing the tractor .
6 I know I shall be glad to get back across the Atlas .
7 Even so it was just great to get back on a road race bike again in February .
8 When referrals have come from other professionals it is important to get back to the parents ' view rather than working from the information in the referral letter .
9 When a dolphin becomes trapped in a net , it drowns because it is unable to get back to the surface to refill its lungs when the supply of air runs out .
10 But Ferguson insists it is not too late for United to get back in the hunt .
11 to be with my friends although they let me sit with me friends so they 're good really so I 'm hoping that I should be able to get back on a Wednesday because er , that 's the only day really I can go , I go to Barn Mead on a Thursday as a rule you see , but yesterday I had to have a day off to go out , I had an invite out
12 When a ring of netting is placed round a warren , all bolting rabbits must be caught provided that they are not able to get back into the burrow .
13 With any luck she might be able to get back to the apartment before he found out what had happened .
14 Feeling oddly bereft and desolate , besieged by Dolly 's incessant chatter , Luce was pleased to get back to the hotel .
15 The servants would know whether it was possible to get back down the valley .
16 Some have worked abroad as volunteers , on extended vacations or in casual jobs , and have then found it difficult to get back into the mainstream of a career .
17 He pulls away , past me , like a shark impatient to get back into the swim of things .
18 I am anxious to get back to the Forest of my own creation , my own memory , my own past and future hope .
19 Of the three hundred Americans on board , anxious to get back across the Atlantic to safety , twenty-eight were among more than a hundred people drowned .
20 ‘ I 'm sure they will be only too intent to get back on the rails , ’ he observed .
21 For women keen to get back into the workplace or further education , a Women Returners course starts on Tuesday , September 14 , from 10.30am-12.30pm .
22 I woke feeling good , eager to get back to the Hall , but I wrote down the dream first , thinking I would tell it to Edward .
23 This afternoon you will be eager to get back into the saddle and perhaps visit the beautiful lake district around the picturesque village of Oud-Loosdrecht ( a gentle 1–½ hour round trip ) .
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