Example sentences of "[adj] as [art] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 HARRIET Harman yesterday staked a claim for Labour as the party for women whose needs she said had been ignored under 13 years of Conservative rule .
2 Although 4-ply is popular as a backing for weaving , 3 and even 2-ply can be more effective .
3 If one suspect confesses and implicates the other , who does not confess , the confessor will go free as a reward for cooperation , while the partner is sent down for the maximum sentence , 10 years .
4 Insults so ferocious as the recipe for Sussex Layer Pancakes — why pick on Sussex ?
5 It is the darkness , not the thickness , of the ruled lines that makes it helpful as a guide for writing .
6 The former Head Wrightson site , now renamed Teesdale , is famous as the venue for Margaret Thatcher 's so-called walk in the wilderness on the day she referred to those who complained about high unemployment as ‘ moaning minnies ’ .
7 The MB86931 has claimed performance of 42 VAX MIPS and operates at 40MHz ; it is smaller and more cost-effective for higher speed working than the predecessor MB86930 , and useful as a controller for office automation and factory automation equipment .
8 ‘ They made us more professional and were useful as a basis for court reports , ’ he says .
9 We will first view organisations as having three layers of management because this traditional view proves useful as a basis for analysis .
10 Second , and related to the first point , the model of man as a violent animal — and hence self-seeking and violent in the pursuit of attaining his goals — is useful as a justification for authority and institutions of authority .
11 The couple were diving near the Smalls reef off the Pembrokeshire coast , an area which is notorious as a grave-yard for ships over the centuries .
12 Thus , these trends towards a greater stress on educational qualifications imply that intragenerational mobility within work caused through promotion becomes much less important as a route for advancement .
13 The recognition of good staff interpersonal relationships as fundamental to all management processes and important as a model for pupils
14 This is important as the outcome for women whose labour is induced for ‘ uncertain postmaturity ’ is significantly worse than for those who have labour induced at 42 weeks ' gestation .
15 The level of rates could also rise substantially from one year to the next and was unpredictable as a basis for business decisions .
16 The framework set out in Figure 7.5 is provided by Tough as a guide for teachers when identifying uses of language ‘ which they are probably already fostering , either intuitively or with some deliberation ’ .
17 The UK is also highly unattractive as a place for US or Japanese corporations to site their European holding companies .
18 All roads seem to lead to Hewlett-Packard Co these days , and the company has now also won Fujitsu Ltd as a licensee for SoftBench — the first licence on the thing in Japan .
19 Some even promoted the idea of an enlightened socialist administration of the colonies — ‘ until the Federation of the world becomes an accomplished fact , we must accept the most responsible imperial federations available as a substitute for it' ( George Bernard Shaw ) .
20 Honey face saver : legendary as a treatment for ailments such as sore throats and hayfever , honey has also been shown to heal burns and can sort out dry and spotty skin problems , so get stuck in !
21 The document finally ‘ agreed ’ by the disagreed committee was stuffed with jargon and so incomprehensible that it was useless as an agenda for discussion ; yet the meeting at Evanston had to discuss it ; with results which may be imagined .
22 Achieving greater economic convergence among EC members in such areas as inflation , budget deficits and interest rates was regarded by Germany in particular as a prerequisite for EMU .
23 ‘ Right ’ and ‘ wrong ’ are , for her , immutables drawn from religious teaching , which are necessary as a context for sex education , and around which a previously existing consensus was being subverted by ‘ propagandists ’ for ‘ permissiveness ’ .
24 Quisling stands supreme as the synonym for traitor .
25 Sex was still largely taboo as a subject for discussion in " decent " circles .
26 He gave no priority to any particular relationship of inequality : for example , he believed that the relation between money-lender and debtor might be as significant as a basis for class as that between workman and employer .
27 is also valid as a requirement for entitlement to registration , since it is an indissociable principle of the very concept of establishment .
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