Example sentences of "[adj] that he [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He also advocated the appointment of prison inspectors and made it clear that he expected them to be as thorough as he himself had been , probing every corner and speaking with every prisoner .
2 ‘ Oh , I hope I shall always be Kingy to you , Miss Sally-Anne , ’ making it clear that he included her in the charmed circle of his friends .
3 It seemed odd that he loathed her with such intensity and yet had made a pass at her .
4 In both cases the wages of journeywomen were so low that he associates them with prostitution : " Take a survey of all the common women of the town , who take their walks between Charing Cross and Fleet Ditch , and I am persuaded more than half of them have been bred milliners . "
5 If he proposes to say something new , I hope that , as the guardian of the interests of all parts of the House , you Mr. Speaker , will make representations to try to make sure that he does it in the House rather than just making a speech or holding a press conference , even if it is in Wales .
6 She shook herself inwardly , said severely , Control yourself , Sally-Anne Tunstall ; remember what happened when you had such soft thoughts about a man before , and the sudden dreadful memory this evoked hit her so hard that she stopped dead in her tracks , gave a stifled wail , and went so white that Dr Neil , hearing her , and looking at her , saw that her pallor was so extreme that he thought her on the verge of fainting .
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