Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] [vb mod] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 With hindsight , it is clear that we should have taken very much more serious and careful account of the character of our intake in those years .
2 What I do know is that it is disgraceful and defamatory to label as stooges the people from the Borough Community Relations Council who gave up a day 's work to act as observers , and who have made it clear that they would have reported whatever they had seen , good or bad for police .
3 There was a finding that the contractors were at fault with regard to the old shafts , but it is not clear that they should have realised that their conduct would affect the plaintiff 's land and even if this had been the case there would have been a serious issue at that times whether the defendant was liable for the negligence of his contractor .
4 We believe that no one should be found guilty of a crime unless the statute or other piece of legislation establishing that crime is so clear that he must have known his act was criminal , or would have known if he had made any serious attempt to discover whether it was .
5 It soon became clear that she might have got the date and the king wrong , that she had n't seen the guinea for years , and so forth .
6 There may be more to this than meets the eye ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) as just once in a while I have taken zander during the daytime in water that has been so clear that I would have rated my chances as zero .
7 Purcell thought highly enough of this little improvement to write it into his own song-book as an emendation : so it is scarcely conceivable that he would have allowed the original , unimproved version to go into a score being copied under his own supervision for a revival — especially given that the effect of the improvement itself was theatrical rather than primarily musical .
8 Absence from work due to sickness has certainly not been falling ; on the other hand , but for the increased spending on medicine , it is conceivable that it might have risen .
9 It was bobbing up and down from the wash of a smart motorboat which had swept by , filled with haughty-looking Venetians with faces so medieval that they could have stepped straight from the history books .
10 So when the cry came , that first cry which heralds life , had anyone been passing the house at that moment , it is doubtful that they would have heard it .
11 It seems doubtful that they could have done otherwise .
12 Afraid that she might have hurt Nora , who was sitting very quietly , Louise added , ‘ Of course , she 'll miss you but I do think she could stay on for a little longer , to see what might happen . ’
13 Nevertheless there was a chance , perhaps , that a French government might have been so far-sighted or faint-hearted that it would have ordered a cease-fire , entered into serious negotiations , abandoned its insistence on membership of the French Union , accepted , at least by instalments , an independent , more or less communist state in a presumably close relationship with either the USSR or the Chinese Communist Party , or both , and been prepared to rely on Vietminh goodwill , such as it might be , for the preservation of whatever position they chose to accord France .
14 But Jack did n't know that and , even if he had known , it would only have given him a false feeling of security , because the threat from streptomycin , when it came , was not of a hind that he could have imagined or foreseen .
15 It is possible that they may have shot down Plt.Off .
16 Had the French taken proper advantage of their unexpected victory , it is possible that they could have reversed the way the war seemed to be going .
17 It was perfectly possible that they could have come , and yet unthinkable .
18 ‘ It 's possible that she might have gone to the young agricultural student — Farrel — who was here recently .
19 It is Possible that she might have come to the big city on her own .
20 However , it is possible that you may have surged before you began testing or that you are about to experience your LH surge .
21 It seems extraordinarily right that he should have died , suddenly and without struggle , on a lovely day , gazing from the Catbells ridge over Newlands to the Derwent Fells .
22 Now he strode out not apprehensive that he might have lost contact with that gift of powerful calm which had so effectively stilled the thresh of his emotions , but confident that as soon as he reached the Point and stood as and where he had first stopped — the experience would be renewed and reinforced , the key would fit the lock .
23 He looked so thunderous that she would have run had she been able , but the chance did not arise .
24 But Knox , who was the most brilliant orator of his generation at Oxford — star of the Union , wit , punster in tongues ancient and modern — had left Oxford before the end of the First World War to become a Roman Catholic , and after his return there as chaplain to the Catholics , it was perhaps understandable that he should have kept a low profile .
25 Today , having given up smoking about twenty years ago , I find it unbelievable that I should have smoked as many as ten cigarettes a day ; but they were one of the things that helped to create a bond with Dana , something we could share .
26 It was ironical that he should have made a magical 153 against Notts , while England 's batsmen floundered at Old Trafford .
27 4–4 They were unaware that they should have filled in a Schedule for Erection of New Charges but now did so .
28 Even so , it is impossible that he could have evaded knowledge of the reality .
29 It seemed impossible that she could have fallen in love so swiftly and completely , especially when she 'd managed to remain heart-whole quite effortlessly all this time .
30 She did not reflect that only a few weeks ago she would have thought it impossible that she could have lived the life of a servant , let alone bear eating and drinking in the den in which Rose and her ma lived , but she did know one thing — she would never take her comfortable life for granted again .
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