Example sentences of "[adj] that [conj] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Additionally however , we need to make it clear that when we have looked at the figures and I would pay some to the opposition for bringing er some matters to our attention , erm and looking at the way in which very , very careful on the part of this council has led to a better reserve position than we would previously have expected .
2 It it 's obviously wrong that where they have had access , lawful or otherwise , that the that they should n't be interfering with the rights and the ability of the walkers to walk along that route .
3 And everyone in Maple Drive , as they cooked , consoled , took out their best suits and thought of even nicer things to say about Donald than the last nice thing that had been said about him , were privately so astonished , so relieved , so savagely glad to be alive that if someone had proposed to bury him upside down in a bucket of horse manure they would probably have agreed it was all for the best .
4 In supporting the Bill at its Second Reading in the House of Commons , the Minister of State at the Home Office , Mr Alexander Lyon , explained the Bill 's overall purpose thus : ‘ If a man has committed an indiscretion that brings him before the courts and results in his being convicted and penalised , it must be right that after he has served the penalty and lived it down by a substantial period of good conduct thereafter , it should be without meaning for most people of good will . ’
5 When , towards the end , he said , ‘ I am convinced that where I have failed no one could have succeeded , ’ this appeared not a boast , but an understatement .
6 While she stood staring at it , breathing heavily and conscious that if anyone had made a fool of herself during the past few minutes it was Melissa Craig , the phone began to ring again .
7 She was almost sure that if somebody had asked her about all this business when she had first woken in the back of the vehicle , she could , despite her pain and discomfort , have replied .
8 Mary says now : ‘ Accessing my past lives has been of great benefit and I 'm sure that if I 'd gone to an ordinary therapist , nothing would have been sorted out . ’
9 I 'm sure that if I 'd had this excellent book when learning to windsurf my progress would have been much faster .
10 The Reds were well on top and I am sure that if I had lasted the game I would have given the selectors something to think about .
11 I 'm sure that if he had said something he never have betrayed the pain he had been guarding for a long time .
12 But it was n't trash : I 'm sure that if he 'd had long enough , he 'd have said exactly what I wrote ! ’
13 I found it curious that when everyone had finished Robert still had a plateful of food before him and we had to wait as he ate it and Lili talked and smoked her endless cigarettes .
14 However I am also concerned that because we have agreed to give the Cyprus holiday company some editorial space , we should also be offering B&I Lines something similar .
15 Over two-thirds agreed that if they had caused damage to their own clothes at work , the company should not be liable for repairs .
16 Better to drive a bit farther , down in to lower Normandy and the beautiful Vallée d'Auge , past old Norman farms and manors , through country thick with apple trees , and pastures so opulent and green that unless you have seen some of the raw , rebuilt little towns , it is hard to believe in the terrible devastation of only fifteen years ago .
17 Bees clamber into its throat and sip a nectar so intoxicating that after they have taken only a little they begin to stagger about .
18 I 'm absolutely certain that once you 've got the people there , once you 've got the contracts in place , the er , the people employed will deliver a high quality service .
19 Godolphin knew Peccable well enough to be certain that until he 'd exhausted his supply of idols , relics and jujus from the fifth , and could make no more profit , he 'd stay put .
20 I want to be taken seriously , which makes it galling that when I 've got a brain , certain types of men try to treat me like some empty-headed bimbo who … ’
21 If he showed them the latest Washington telegram which he had seen before his departure [ KPs 66 and 85 ] , they would have been made aware that although they had to exercise the utmost restraint for the time being , a new and firmer policy might soon be adopted .
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