Example sentences of "[adj] and [pron] [vb past] i [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Paintings erm have the power to take you back in time , I can look at a painting and remember something that 's happened yesterday or years and years ago and as a small child , looking at this painting I remembered as a small child seeing for the first time erm the sea dipping into er , sorry the sun dipping into , into the sea and being horrified I was convinced that the heat of the sun would boil the oceans and the world dry and it reminded me for an awful lot of my childhood and I 'm sure if I 'd seen this painting years ago it would of persuaded me otherwise , erm this is called In A Days Work Satisfaction in a days work , chosen not given , eating the laxed food , face turned to steer a sun , making cloth into a gown and giving colour to the side of a boat
2 The descent was nerve-racking and it reminded me of the slow , queasy way light planes come in to land in Himalayan valleys .
3 ‘ He fined me for being late and he fined me for being overweight .
4 ‘ He fined me for being late and he fined me for being overweight .
5 I went to the doctor at seventeen , just about to be married and he put me on Librium to calm me down .
6 She 's lonely and she plied me with tea and scones and the rest , and gave me information about her neighbours , whom she seems to like quite a bit .
7 Erm I mean Martin , Martin 's very good and he 'll , you know , stop me there and , and , and go back over it and but it , it , the the was already there so it 's already got you thinking about other things and , you know , things that were completely irrelevant and it confused me at times .
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