Example sentences of "[adj] and [pron] [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My daughter 's now 10 months old and I still have n't started my periods again .
2 Bob Martin , from the Darlington Milk Buyers , said customers had been very generous and they still had more to collect .
3 And that it 's very disorganised and you never know where you are regarding rooms .
4 As I mentioned before , vitamins are chemically very unstable and they certainly do not take well to this sort of treatment .
5 But is n't it the ignorance of the people because the people are ignorant and they actually do n't know what they 're voting for
6 he , he , he , he said hard , right , so he can fucking , he said I 'll , I 'll take these and the first man that comes up fucking bashes it and then James er John James gets them all and when he wakes up , just as he 's about to wake up John James thinks right and he fucking lays down on the ground and he wakes up and sees all these clowns all over the place
7 I 'm only forty odd and I really do n't look too bad when I make the effort .
8 There existed other newspapers aimed at the European market , such as the daily Tanganyika Opinion and the weekly Tanganyika Advertiser , but their circulations were low and they mostly disappeared long before independence .
9 The man said ‘ I will say 1-2-3-Bungee and you just dive off ’ .
10 We have some facilities , but they 're not extensive and we often do n't have enough room .
11 ‘ That expectation makes me freeze up and feel very shy and nervous , or else it makes my try too hard and I just end up feeling awkward .
12 The office procedures , she said , is simple anyway , and yet , ethics and etiquette is a , she said , and your teacher works you that hard and it just drills in anyway !
13 Here his success was questionable and he later imported only for his own firm .
14 It allows novice skiers to travel too fast and they then get out of control and hit a tree .
15 Or you catch a cold and you just do not feel up to it ?
16 I have bought Practical PC since it first came out in an attempt to help with the strange world of computers and from reading it I think I might need a 286 or 386 PC — but how can I be sure and I still have n't the foggiest idea what most of the terminology means .
17 Well fuck when I come back up he near had the fucking front door broke trying to get it open so that they 'd come in the front and I see the kitchen door 's closed and I just walked in and I said well John the dishes or nothing 's done if you wan na go and have a look because he would n't do them .
18 The trouble with life , it seems to me , is that it can turn out to be too late and you still have n't understood it . ’
19 Their ball retention was poor and they also committed too many infringements , often in attacking positions .
20 Horses are not stupid and they soon grasp how best to avoid hard graft !
21 These games are fascinating and I too have occasionally indulged in the adventures of little plumber Mario courtesy of my son 's console .
22 The City Technology Colleges divert valuable resources of staff and equipment away from other schools where the need for them is great and they also cream off some of the more able pupils .
23 The effects never last long and you always want more .
24 That 's cos she 's lonely and she just wanders about .
25 My legs are a bit wobbly and I nearly fall over .
26 He told magistrates to Aztecs the dog is sacred and ceremonial and he simply did n't know he needed a licence .
27 After I had styled my hair it felt very soft and silky and it also seemed much thicker and more glossy .
28 Her face was still sulky and she still sniffed occasionally as she put her feet to the ground .
29 But our driver was expert and we always emerged safely .
30 He seemed disappointed and I soon saw why when I got into the main hall .
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