Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If you feel very inhibited by the artificiality of the situation you will give a very inaccurate impression of the sort of person you really are , perhaps even overcompensating for nerves by being too gregarious and obvious and making it clear that you are not good at handling yourself in a social situation .
2 ‘ How funny and black and cross you look !
3 Consequently they sound stilted and reluctant and rob what they say of much reward value .
4 Two- and three-year-olds seem to know just when throwing a tantrum will leave you embarrassed and uncertain and undermine your authority .
5 She felt numb and tired and surprised herself by managing to sleep deeply and well .
6 His voice was immensely rich and strong and suited his heavy features and bearing .
7 Any doubt there may be that the family disease is a genuine addictive disease is dispelled when the divorced wife of a primary sufferer promptly marries another or when the parents of young sufferers find themselves depressed and lonely and wondering what to do with their time and experience once their own primary sufferer is in recovery .
8 Coun Bergg , we are happy to report , is alive and well and keeping his head above water .
9 Work out why you have allowed yourself to become so bombarded and overloaded and analyse it , ask yourself what assails you .
10 I saw myself , Frank L. Cauldhame , and I saw myself as I might have been : a tall slim man , strong and determined and making his way in the world , assured and purposeful .
11 Regular use of a good cream helps keep hands soft and smooth and protects them from the onslaught of cold weather .
12 I can feel how large and hard and dry his hand is round my damp and childish one .
13 She felt cold and sick and wished she could crawl away and lie down .
14 The opposition Fiji Labour National Federation Parties , led by Adi Kuini Bavadra ( the widow of the ousted Prime Minister who had taken over the party leadership after her husband 's death from cancer in 1989 ) , denounced the Constitution as racist and anti-democratic and announced its refusal to participate in elections held under its auspices .
15 The candle flame threw shadows , like paper-ash , thought Conrad , on to Lee 's face which was tired and childlike and rested its cheek on the pale-lemon linen of the pillow-slip .
16 ‘ She leads him a right dance , ’ the nans would say , during their daily exchange of news and analysis in the queue at the butcher 's , until finally she danced off for good and all and left him with his mother and his clapped-out BSA and his jars of Brylcreem and his collection of 78 records and a lifetime 's cumulation of unarticulated resentments .
17 ‘ I thought at first , what was the mother like since there 's so little of the Flowers in any of them , since they are so good and clean and wipe their noses always on their handkerchiefs and never on their sleeves7 But the veneer is rubbing off already . ’
18 try it in black and white and see what it comes out like .
19 Atheists , who have destroyed the continuum by insisting that death is the end , have failed to take into account that this arid conclusion must feed back into life as it is lived , making it seem haphazard and futile and emphasising its injustices .
20 What 's really evil is the spectacle of governments encouraging divisiveness among people , catering to only the well-heeled , well-schooled and well-fed and keeping everybody else down .
21 When the flowers had been made , she dyed them yellow , pink , orange and scarlet and mounted them among evergreen twigs of laurel .
22 However , the agreements broke down almost immediately , the Armenian side on Feb. 4 declaring them null and void and suspending its participation in further talks in protest at what it described as attempts at " forced deportation " of Armenians from villages in Azerbaijan 's Khanlar region on the pretext that their security remained under threat .
23 This is admittedly no easy task , but it stimulates WACC to be vigorous and alert and makes it truly global .
24 It was old-fashioned and comfortable and suited me fine .
25 I want to dwell on this subject a little while , to look at a few areas which are important and necessary and have their foundations in team spirit .
26 He was courteous and considerate and treated her like someone so very special .
27 Many a woman who considers herself kind , compassionate and unselfish has been horrified to catch a glimpse of something underlying that , something which is determined to catch and hold a person , which can be jealous and possessive and cares nothing at all for the claims of others .
28 The faces of all , of men more than women , and of dark men particularly , puzzled and fascinated and alarmed me .
29 Because if it was small and white and smooth it would be an aspirin !
30 peaceful and relaxed and enables you to go deeply within yourself and to feel very much in harmony with yourself with others who you do it with , and with the world in general .
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