Example sentences of "[adj] and [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The black and white pictures are clear and relate well to the text .
2 John says government has promoted the message that people should become more self-sufficient and rely less on the community .
3 Instead of taking attitudes as relatively straightforward guides to behaviour and expressed as opinions , they sought to measure attitudes more as dispositional and rooted deeper in the personality .
4 The effect of evacuation was to flood the dark places with light and bring home to the national consciousness that the ‘ submerged tenth ’ described by Charles Booth still exists in our towns like a hidden sore , poor , dirty and crude in its habits , an intolerable and degrading burden to decent people forced by poverty to neighbour with it .
5 Whether Darrel McHargue would have won on Commanche Run is irrelevant , for this was vintage Lester Piggott — the jockey completely at one with his horse , pushing it just enough to achieve maximum effort but always keeping it balanced , willing and galloping straight for the line .
6 The water was thick and brown and went down through the top end of Spaladale at a fearful rate .
7 The Woman loomed over the group , tall and brown and smiling down at the two mops of black hair — one over a quizzical smile and the other over a scowl .
8 When I had finished , her abdomen was lifted high and nipped in like a wasp-waisted Victorian lady of fashion .
9 The number of items prescribed differed across the age bands ( table I ) with a small peak in patients under 5 years old and rising rapidly from the 5–16 to 75–84 age groups .
10 ‘ It must be awful being old and put away in a home because no one will have you at home and look after you . ’
11 Did you know it 's a replica of one of the charms said to be over a thousand years old and dug up on the island of Bornholm ? ’
12 He decided to be generous and went in to the shop .
13 Carson ran up the brick steps to the courtyard 's wooden side-door , rattling the bolt free and stepping out into the narrow alley that ran down the side of the house .
14 And in a second he was under the Man 's arm and out through the cage door , free and gliding over towards the fence by the benches .
15 She tucked in her brown silk blouse , tossed her red hair free and strode off towards the editor 's office , Mitch behind her admiring her slender figure and keeping his thoughts strictly to himself .
16 The trailing lead got snarled up in a bramble bush but , just before Gazzer reached him , the dog yanked it free and raced away through the dunes , to the thin strip of beach left uncovered by the tide .
17 As soon as his hold slackened a shade she pulled free and set off down the stairs .
18 When you are nervous and anxious to please it is too easy to only half-listen and to leap in with an answer which is not quite relevant .
19 She rose and plunged and rolled and staggered and behaved generally in a most frisky fashion .
20 They were very , very popular and went all over the world .
21 It 's charming and runs neatly into the songs from ‘ A Dead Horse ’ , which broaden the brief into richer territory .
22 In that case the universe could he self-contained and determined completely by the laws of science .
23 Under certain circumstances , these fluctuations in the rate of exchange could become very unstable and contribute further to the discouraging of international trade .
24 The Soviet statistics were terribly messy and scattered all over the place but Davies and Barker finally succeeded in teasing them out and knocking them into some sort of shape .
25 Now the interior lighting is not adequate and comes mainly from the west and transept windows and the small apse and aisle windows .
26 After his death his " rock band " disappeared and was last seen , rumour says , broken and tumbled together in an old wash-house .
27 Nail clippers might also be required to prevent dew-claws from becoming overgrown and curling round into the dog 's flesh .
28 The carriageway was empty and sealed off from the world by chipped grey railings down the centre and either side .
29 I cut off the path proper and charged up over a dune and down its other side to where the service pipe carrying the water and electricity to the house appears out of the sand and crosses the creek .
30 Each and every pot is different and contrasts richly with the mass produced product .
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