Example sentences of "[adj] of [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty-nine months after acquiring HIV-1 infection , he remains free of symptoms on zidovudine and has 494/L ( 34.2% ) CD4 lymphocytes .
2 I 'm not fond of things like apricot and nectarine
3 Aunt Tossie had a faint dribble of desire at the corners of her mouth when , at length , she laid down the slate pencil and rose from her chair to face Mrs Geary , her companion in what was to be an immortal triumph : its finale that most acceptable of puddings before diets and regimens were conceived : a really beautiful Trifle .
4 He suggested that Aeneas left Dido in obedience to his fate but he was not thereby relieved of feelings of shame or unhappiness — he felt " a worm " .
5 Soil drying is promoted both by tree roots , which create large pores that are not characteristic of soils under grassland and moorlands , and the reduction of throughflow that occurs due to greater interception of precipitation by a tree canopy .
6 Awarded a free place at Birmingham University to study music for three years , Peter was short of basics like clothes and books until Elaine Blond gave him £30 and arranged for Peter to work at Bloomsbury House in his holidays to help make up any shortfall .
7 So the increasingly widespread availability of ISDN and the relative low-cost of options like CSC and PCC will open the way for all manner of innovative applications in the future .
8 However only 55 per cent of DGMs ( 60 per cent of UGMs ) thought the market concept would work successfully in the NHS , so there was an element of support for the purchaser–provider split which was independent of ideas of competition and the market .
9 ( One notable relic is the second volume ( Men ) of a two-volume group entitled Things and Men : it is full of snippets of conversation and descriptions spread over the period 1897 to 1910 , frequently used in his books and papers in order to restrain his fancy and keep his feet firmly on the ground . )
10 Many would agree but this system ignores the customers who may be full of emotions like fear and helplessness .
11 It is likened to a heaven full of stars , yet better than such because his wounds are efficacious by day as well as by night , and not only can not be obscured by clouds but positively drive away clouds of sin ; a net full of holes in which the meditator prays to be drawn to the bank of death ; a dovecote full of holes of refuge and a honeycomb full of cells of sweet honey ; a book written in red ink — matter for the meditator 's attention at " matyns , pryme , houris , euesong & complin " ; a meadow full of healing and delightful flowers and herbs ( 96 – 7 ) .
12 But now , sausages were a hidden enemy full of things like E-additives and monosodium glutamate .
13 The boardroom was full of women in hats and men in dark suits who looked like a convention of dentists .
14 There were two cardboard boxes in the middle of the room full of bits of glass and torn clothes .
15 Her eyes were now full of tears of rage or self-pity , and she turned and fumbled in her bag .
16 ‘ He was like his father , his head full of stories about Roland and Oliver and performing marvellous feats of arms .
17 Apart from what he found in bins — sweets , unopened crisp packets , seven corned beef sandwiches hygienically wrapped in foil — he went into a Chinese takeaway in a slummy area and asked for ‘ Fried rice leavings ’ and we got a massive pile each , full of scraps of prawn and mushroom and sweet-'n'-sour pork .
18 However , it seems to me that the stratigraphical record is full of examples of processes that are far from " normal " in the usual sense of the word .
19 The botanical annals are full of examples of plants that were introduced into a novel area , only to become seriously weedy — witness the prickly pear 's progress in Australia and South Africa , or the rhododendron in Britain .
20 The two little boys were full of ideas for games and , even if most of them ended rather predictably in throwing the sofa cushions at their grandfather , they showed considerable powers of invention .
21 I had forgotten how beautiful the Suffolk countryside could be , even from a dual carriageway full of juggernauts from Holland and Denmark and Ford Escorts full of reps all with their coats hung neatly in the back and their Barry Manilow tapes belting out .
22 The Student Book is full of facts about colleges and courses and helpful , if terse advice , about how to apply , and how to survive if accepted .
23 In the store room next to the kitchen were a long table and shelves always covered with all sorts of provisions ; large earthenware jars full of confits of pork and goose , a small barrel where vinegar slowly matured , a bowl where honey oozed out of the comb , jams , preserves of sorrel and of tomatoes , and odd bottles with grapes and cherries marinating in brandy ; next to the table a weighing machine on which I used to stand at regular intervals ; sacks of haricot beans , of potatoes ; eggs , each one carefully dated in pencil .
24 When Mr Bennet rang the doorbell he had his hands full of pieces of cardboard and balls of string and sticky tape and over one shoulder he carried a bright red blanket .
25 It is an entirely diverting and unusual book , and is full of pictures of bosoms and bums .
26 The Lead Scandal is manifestly a propaganda effort , as the title suggests , and his presentation of the evidence is rather one-sided , as well as being emotional and full of accusations of scientists and politicians with whom he disagrees .
27 It was argued that a Parliament full of men of wealth and property was unlikely to view industry , trade , and agriculture from the point of view of the laboring classes .
28 The spark of poetry was kindled in him by an elderly woman who lived with the family and was full of tales of witches and warlocks .
29 They are , as we have frequently observed , capable of feats of sentience and locomotion that surpass anything of which we are capable .
30 Set in the most peaceful of surroundings above Sorrento and the Bay of Naples , this hotel can rightly claim it has some of the best views on the coast .
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