Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] [prep] [noun prp] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The next day Mark arrived back at UM 's European headquarters in London and received an early call from Muldoon .
2 The authorities denied that his arrest in 1987 was solely because he had met pro-North Korean people in Japan and claimed that he had acted on North Korean orders to collect documents on South Korean opposition groups , and to infiltrate dissent groups in order to create social unrest .
3 If you have greenhouse or coldframe , a wise insurance policy it to root cuttings of susceptible species in July and over-winter these under glass just in case the parents do n't make it through a bad winter .
4 Government sources claimed that the SNP had broken the deal by not voting with Conservative MPs on Wednesday and implied that Mr Lang might reconsider his position on appointments to the European Community committee of the regions .
5 To improve the assimilation of new staff into CA and reduce the time it takes for them to be working to full potential
6 ACTORS dressed up as Vikings for a Welsh S4C documentary were challenged by local people in Swansea and accused of being New Age travellers .
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