Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] [prep] [art] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A British official said last night : ‘ If we find an Iraqi aircraft in the air there , we will shoot it down . ’
2 They have to , because years of pillaging have made sizeable fish from the shore hard to find in places like France , Belgium and Holland .
3 English people in the suburb where she lived despised and hated all foreigners .
4 By the 1870s , when it became clear that very little investment capital was going to flow from private sources or joint-stock ventures , and that the German people as a whole now viewed the development of the economy as part of the business of creating a strong and unified Reich , the Bank of Prussia became essential to all major German long-term investment plans .
5 What 's also come out very strongly er , in this programme is is that it 's a struggle for a lot of people , both financially , and in terms of juggling time and the multiple demands that particularly women have , in trying to care for young people and old people to the point where women may spend their entire lives between , between twenty and sixty looking after somebody or other .
6 On top of that figure , the RFU can add their income from the Save and Prosper sponsorship , plus the day 's commercial sales in an era when every important fixture at their headquarters attracts sponsorship .
7 Then he launched into an involved discussion about how cerebral men like Berlin were becoming an endangered species in a world increasingly downgrading erudition .
8 The abandonment of the gold standard and the devaluation of sterling removed the theoretical justification which the Treatise supplied for public works in a period when bank rate was too high for purposes of domestic equilibrium .
9 Shoppers will have to find an extra £1 for every £7 currently spent and £6 will be added to the average weekly bill of £45 .
10 Because such houses set the standard , those who write upon architecture in the eighteenth century and Regency invariably regard houses of moderate size for more limited means as a scaling down of the houses of the great .
11 It should not repress or propel the citizenship away from political life but be ‘ informed by an entire people to the point where the intellectual , emotional , and moral capacities have reached their full potential and they are joined freely and actively in a genuine community ’ .
12 She spoke about the conditions faced by ordinary people in the Philippines where she says conditions are as bad as anywhere in the the Third World .
13 Kenneth drove me here last Sunday after helping me to load the car with clothes , shoes , video recorder , sound equipment , books , photos , kettle , mug , hot-water-bottle ( never go anywhere without it ) and all the required paraphernalia of a season away from home .
14 Faith had flown the little aircraft across the U.S. before , which means the Tri-Pacer has flown ( with some help over the Atlantic and Pacific ) around the world .
15 Should you just want one large fish as a pet then provide as large an aquarium as is possible , with a 36″x15″x15″ being recommended as the smallest .
16 Some commentators have ascribed the rise in the number of homeless mentally ill people to the run down of psychiatric hospitals and have called for a halt to the policy of closure .
17 We are also forcing the white people in the communities now to take a stand on the whole thing ; they 've always ignored us .
18 We decided to draw our internal auditors from operational staff across the board so that over a few years everyone would have the opportunity to be an auditor as well as being audited themselves .
19 The term is used negatively , but the black sheep of the family maybe an attractive person , someone with a sparkle , with a courage to be different , with a courage to defy the norm .
20 Demonstrators from the anti-apartheid group End Loans to Southern Africa outside National Westminster Bank 's international headquarters in the City yesterday .
21 He expects profits to dip this year from the estimated £580m in the year just ended but reach £645m next year .
22 Nor is there any reason why the state should tell firms how to attract and keep good staff in a country where qualified labour can be hard to find .
23 And there 's people , like famous people of the telly just sitting and talking erm , and saying prayers every night , and walking around a typical area that means something to them .
24 Historians such as Richard Smith and David Thomson , however , have shown how enduring and old-fashioned are many twentieth-century patterns of thought and action — such as retirement from the work-force in old age , and the provision of financial and other services for elderly people by the community rather than by kin .
25 ‘ Like the Provos , they are hell bent on destabilising the union , holding the name of all the good and decent people of the province up to the odium of the world . ’
26 Second , coordinators as a group were acutely conscious of the way their own success depended in large part upon how they and the practices they were promoting were regarded by existing staff in the schools where they were placed .
27 The tightness of the circle extends to professional staff at the Palace too , all of whom are appointed on personal recommendation .
28 The new Criminal Justice Act was designed to cut costs by punishing people within the community rather than in prison .
29 There are few examples of brackish fish for the hobbyist here .
30 Initially , journalists obtained most of their stories from concerned people in the townships where heroin was concentrated .
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