Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] [conj] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fowler had similar basic data but presented in a quite different way .
2 Thomson has taken the issue further , arguing that many twentieth-century writers on social welfare issues have been misled into believing that recent developments represent an abrupt break with historical experience because of the peculiarly restrictive and individualistic support systems for elderly people that emerged in the late Victorian period .
3 Without ceremony , we headed past all these busy people and knocked on the half-open door of the secretary 's office .
4 When he was n't sketching or painting as a relaxation , Viktor took a rod and line down to the banks of the Moscova and fished for the grey roach that lurked in the sluggish water .
5 He was a bright boy with a gift for mathematics , and was sent to Gresham College to study engineering , but soon after the outbreak of war in 1914 joined the Royal Flying Corps and served as a flight-lieutenant in No. 73 Squadron in France .
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