Example sentences of "[adj] [num ord] [noun] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is attached to a Persian astrolabe of the early thirteenth century now in the Museum of the History of Science at Oxford .
2 Clearly the movies now felt that they could look the reformers of the early twentieth century firmly in the eye and the film-industry boosters were now giving back as good as they were given .
3 What seemed to be happening was the spread of population growth out from the major urban centres where it had occurred in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries progressively to the more rural periphery , leaving a population loss in its wake .
4 A typical study of ancient Egyptian tools and weapons , particularly axes , shows that four copper-based metals or alloys were used from the early third millennium BC to the middle of the first millennium BC : ‘ pure ’ copper ; arsenical copper ( an alloy of copper with up to h per cent of arsenic ) ; tin bronze or leaded tin bronze ; and iron .
5 9 The Temple of Olympian Zeus , Athens , a project begun in the late 6th century BC by the Athenian tyrant Pisistratus .
6 The main features that any such model has to explain are a slight warming of the world ( at least , of the northern hemisphere , for which good records are available ) from the late 19th century up to the 1940s. and a subsequent cooling up to the 1970s .
7 The hey-day of sport in our village seems to have been from the late 19th century up to the 1914 war , with a short revival between the wars but although attempts have been made at intervals the same enthusiasm does n't seem to prevail .
8 In the Italian cities the rationalization of legal chaos had taken the form from the late eleventh century onwards of the revival of Roman Law .
9 Injuries and sickness wiped out half the regular first team early in the season , and the goal-scoring burden fell disproportionately on the left-wing triangle of half-back Watson , Stephenson ( now captain ) and Smith .
10 Andrew Hudson and Mark Rushmere completed a satisfying first day back for the visitors , batting through the last nine overs no bother .
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