Example sentences of "[adj] [that] they [vb mod] [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 But the legislation does make it clear that they will be operating in a Church which has declared that it is right to ordain women to the Priesthood and does so ordain them .
2 since he came to our Lordships House with some very and has had to sit this thing ever since then with one exception er to speeches deeply and seriously critical er of the proposals er coming from Members of your Lordships House mostly with vast experience of the subject matter former Secretary 's er er former Chief Constable er and er so many others and I arise only to put one point to you if my Noble Friend decides to resist these amendments , it seems to me I may be wrong but it seems to me overwhelmingly clear that they will be carrying against him and they will be put into the Bill which will be very considerably altered and amended , some of your Lordships may think improved , but certainly drastically altered and I wonder whether er my Noble Friend thinks that really would be helpful from the point of view either of the pr future progress of the Bill , or the position of the Government .
3 Yeah I think they had their own little meetings in various pubs or whatever after our meetings , and certainly the management in one of the quarries seemed to have a lot of information about what went on in our lodge meetings because of various members of this clique , I think we were all fairly sure that they would be returning to work , it was just when that was the crunch .
4 I think we 're almost certainly guaranteed to get the S L O's back into the fold although bearing in mind the recent developments with the C P O's it 's unlikely that they will be coming back to the fold .
5 It is tragic that they should be doing that to local authority employees .
6 The position of the health professional — doctor , health visitor , or nurse — is not to pretend that their bit of health promotion is going to have more than a small additive effect to all the other necessary inputs , and they should be aware that they may be wasting their time if the other inputs are not there .
7 It is still a novel concept , and potential job sharers should be aware that they will be breaking new ground and that their performance may have considerable influence on the future of job sharing in medicine .
8 He was aware that they could be setting out on a wild-goose chase , but he had to believe that they were n't .
9 Feminist psychologists too are becoming more aware that they should be dealing with ‘ race ’ differences , not as biological or cultural categories , but as historical and social relations which affect all their work .
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