Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] from the [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The former enshrines the major cavity properties : E1 is the incident field amplitude ( normally zero in a laser ) ; t is the time for light to propagate from the cell output around to the input , equal to ( " : - — L ) /c ; 8 is the cavity mistuning , whose physical significance is best examined for the empty cavity , in steady state , whence and thus The cavity field thus has resonances spaced at intervals of in 8 , which are very sharp if R is close to unity ( high-finesse resonator ) .
2 One might suppose , for example , that the British would be likely to emerge from the war rejoicing in a warm nostalgic glow as the gallant kid brothers of the American heroes ; that the British ( and the Americans ) would be profoundly alienated from the stay-at-home Germans ; and that the French would be left uneasily high and dry in the middle .
3 M oral philosophers are accustomed to start from the individual pursuing his own ends ; at once the question arises ‘ Why should I prefer anyone else 's to my own ? ’ , and until it can be answered the advantage lies with the egoist .
4 Breton and Wintrobe also question the assumptions about legislative behaviour and point to a further complication likely to arise from the recommendation to introduce competition into government administration .
5 This visitor is himself unable to escape from the sexuality found to permeate even the most intense religious belief .
6 Be able to select from the calculator display the number of figures which is appropriate to the context of the calculation .
7 The magnitudes of dipole moment derivatives vary widely , and it is not safe to assume from the failure to observe a band that the corresponding mode is symmetry-forbidden .
8 Valuable time was lost , the troops opposed to us were able to recover from the disorganization produced by our first attack , and the enemy was given the opportunity to bring up reinforcements . ’
9 That there is a broad division of opinion on the subject of sole practice within different sectors of the profession is difficult to dispute from the comments made in response to the consultation .
10 It goes without saying that it would also be desirable to exclude from the unemployment figures those who are employed but are making fraudulent claims for unemployment benefit or supplementary benefits .
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