Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [pron] would [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It was not clear whether he would fully regain the use of his legs .
2 But by that time four of the enemy ships were wrecks , one was aground and two of the remainder sufficiently damaged to make it doubtful whether they would ever reach their home ports — which was most evidently the hope of the survivors , as they went through the difficult , desperate business of turning in the confined space and heading back out to sea .
3 Some were doubtful whether it would actually work , but all shared a hope of something new , and all were to be given an equal chance .
4 The restored importance of indirect taxes , whatever its source , must , in the context of our earlier analysis , have made the UK tax system less progressive than it would otherwise have been .
5 The movement towards indirect taxation has therefore made the UK tax system less progressive than it would otherwise have been .
6 They accept that their work is less technical than they would perhaps like , but ‘ craftsmanship ’ is still possible in accurate diagnosis and illness management ( Freidson 1975 ) .
7 But both authors recognise that experience in office in the coalition government had made the Labour leaders more cautious than they would otherwise have been : Dr Marwick comments that ‘ Middle-class radicalism and official trade unionism were much stronger influences than left-wing Socialism ’ , and Dr Addison speaks of an ‘ Attlee consensus ’ to which the Conservatives , when they returned to office in 1951 , also subscribed .
8 Well they are ignorant cos I would never say which part of .
9 ‘ It was extremely dangerous because there would then have been another , hundred-foot drop off that cliff , ’ said stunt arranger Stuart Fell .
10 ‘ Anything more obvious would be counter-productive because everyone would just laugh .
11 They said constant invigilation was impossible as it would severely limit opening times .
12 If you have leisure , I 'd be grateful if you would kindly show me the castle ? ’
13 Cranmer could not become an archbishop again , but a return to scholarly life was possible if he would only sign one or two documents as a formality .
14 More hurt , bewildered and confused than she would ever have believed possible such a short time ago , she walked into the dark cottage and up to bed .
15 I am not sure if I would still sing if I had a wife , because I think marriage is a commitment to one woman , and I have no right to go and sing to all those others . ’
16 I was n't sure whether I would even run today . ’
17 She , too , was delighted that the Station Road car park was now complete because it would now relieve what had been a shopper parking problem .
18 However , he also feels that total sales are important so he would also like to maximise
19 Now she is more independent than I would ever have believed possible .
20 Sentences are much more ambiguous than one would normally expect .
21 She would feel ridiculous because he would simply show that ironic , arrogant surprise if she panicked .
22 This one has been sounded to a depth of a mere 1,000 feet , but peer into it is as far as I would ever want to go ; such crevices are no doubt thrilling to explore when they widen out into great chambers , but the thought of the narrow places I for one find exceedingly off-putting .
23 The additional strain may in the end be more rewarding , more life-enhancing than one would ever have felt possible .
24 The very existence of French appellate jurisdiction over the duchy clearly made Plantagenet rule potentially more difficult than it would otherwise have been .
25 We should not be prepared to see developments that are much larger or more isolated than we would ever tolerate in the statutory services and doing things like " mixing up " clients that would statutorily no longer be tolerated .
26 Er well if it wa if it was it would be very convenient cos it would probably come out on the car park but er
27 Millions of British motorists are driving cars more plush than they would ever choose to own were they handed the extra money and told to spend it themselves .
28 Saxe-Weimar 's men were mostly German troops in Dutch service who had fought for Napoleon in the previous wars , and not even Saxe-Weimar himself was certain whether they would now fight against their old comrades .
29 Thus 1848 and 1849 were the years of great reform of the Austrian school system ; the defeat of the army by France/Piedmont in 1859 was followed by the establishment of constitutional government ; and the defeat of the army by Prussia in 1866 brought liberalism to as close as it would ever come to full state power and led to the establishment of the dual monarchy the following year .
30 Later , ashamed , Two-Dogs would picket screenings of the films he had appeared in , although he admitted in private that many times as a young man he had eaten well at a movie commissary when he would otherwise have starved .
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