Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [adv] [conj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were overwhelmed with replies , however , when they asked if people were prepared to come forward as character-witnesses for the parents of the nine South Ronaldsay children whose plight had moved the nation .
2 In fact , teenagers in the UK are less likely to become pregnant and less likely to become mothers than they were 15 years ago and far less likely to do so than teenagers in the United States .
3 Some of these patients will continue to be nursed in a surgical ward , some will be able to go home and others to a hospice for care .
4 For he has never been able to sleep much and talks with me late into the night .
5 ‘ Families are more inclined to settle permanently as worshippers in good , commodious , and well-situated buildings than in small , ill-arranged , and badly situated chapels . ’
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