Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] they had be in " in BNC.

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1 Henry VII continued this exploitation of the Crown estates , which were far more extensive than they had been in 1433 .
2 The children will not be back from their boarding school and it would have looked very odd if they had been in the same country and not together on his birthday .
3 Some new measures had , of course , been necessary , but on the whole changes brought about by the war were less incisive than they had been in 1914 .
4 Although there had been brief conflicts between England and France in the reigns of Edward I and Edward II , the reasons for war were now much more substantial than they had been in 1294 or 1324 , and the will to war on the part of the king , if not yet on the part of most of the nobility , was much more apparent .
5 As last season illustrated , Neath were nowhere near as good as their Champion status indicated , nowhere near as good as they had been in the seasons of extraordinary success that preceded the advent of the leagues .
6 Working-class girls were probably less socially protected than they had been in pre-industrial communities , and a variety of influences could come into play , including the temptation of the streets .
7 The removal of entry quotas encouraged young people who had been denied access to universities in the last years of Nicholas to enter them under Alexander , with the result that students tended to be older and more politically engaged than they had been in the past .
8 But the fly in the ointment , from the princes ' point of view , lay in the fact that their advantages were now more widely shared than they had been in the past .
9 Mary 's reign witnessed a spontaneous renewal of enthusiasm for the local celebrations banned under Edward , and Corpus Christi processions , Whitsun ales , May games , and the decking of churches once more became as common as they had been in the last years of Henry 's reign .
10 Even in the northern counties , Scottish raids were never as frequent or as deeply penetrating as they had been in Edward II 's reign , and although the inhabitants of those counties made the most of their plight in petitions for relief from taxation , the raids in the years after 1332 did little long-term damage to the region 's economy .
11 In no circumstances was the bulk of the Labour Party prepared to be allied with groups which were clearly not as influential as they had been in the past .
12 The Fortresses and Liberators of the USAAF , escorted by long-range fighters , were penetrating the defences — which were now much more formidable than they had been in 1940/41 .
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