Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] it [is] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It is not MAS practice to fix fees solely contingent on the price obtained for the company ; however , acting on a part fixed/part contingent basis is acceptable provided it is judged that the interest in selling is genuine , the price expectation is realistic and there is likely to be at least one buyer .
2 The Electricity Council stated : ‘ the cost benefit ratio of installing FGD … would be very high as it is anticipated that the generating costs of a power station fitted would rise 25–30 per cent … ’
3 The line manager should offer as much support as possible although it is acknowledged that in certain circumstances the individual might wish to seek support from another colleague rather than their line manager .
4 But this result becomes understandable once it is appreciated that in order to predict the outcome of a change of context it is necessary to know what associations have been formed , how each affects behaviour , and how susceptible each is to the contextual change .
5 This is somewhat ironic when it is realized that local government has substantial resources that can not be used because of centrally-imposed prescriptions .
6 A coherent school policy on Standard English is possible if it is recognised that all these views are legitimate .
7 This is particularly remarkable when it is considered that Roddick has made no acquisitions and has no major plans for diversification .
8 The hypotheses considered in the preceding section of this chapter ( that pre-exposure allows the formation of a stimulus — no event association , and so on ) still remain viable provided it is allowed that the associations they envisage can still be assumed to interfere with retrieval .
9 The parental vote will be even more powerful if it is proposed that a school should opt out of local authority control and transfer to grant maintained status .
10 This is a paradoxical fact for those empiricists who think that new theories are derived from the facts in some way , but it is quite comprehensible when it is realized that precise experimentation can only be carried out if one has a precise theory capable of yielding predictions in the form of precise observation statements .
11 For present purposes the oldest classification into fringing reefs , barrier reefs and atolls ( Fig. 8.33 ) may be retained as long as it is realised that , although these are commonly occurring forms , there are many others ( Guilcher , 1958 ) which it is very difficult to fit into these simple classes .
12 On the one hand it would be perfectly in order to write the biography of a poet as long as it is understood that it would be ‘ on a par with biographies of generals and inventors ’ ( Tomashevsky 1978 : 55 ) and was not mistaken for literary science .
13 And the notion of generalization decrement can also explain the effects of prior exposure to B alone if it is allowed that such training will make the B stimulus less effective and thus relatively unlikely to interfere with the perception of A when the two are presented in compound .
14 This is particularly important when it is felt that ageing people can no longer look after themselves at home and some form of residential care is suggested .
15 This was clearly important when it is recalled that Matadial , when cross-examined about the discrepancy between the January statement and her evidence , gave the explanation that the earlier version was due to a mistake by the police .
16 Important as it is to recognise that the notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical , not much purpose seems to be served by struggling to define more precisely such elusive matters as emotional interactions .
17 The two are entirely compatible if it is remembered that one of the popular theories of the nature of the state itself has always been that it was founded on a contract between the individual members of a society .
18 The significance of this will be apparent when it is realized that , while the sportsman is trying to get a sight of the tiger , the tiger in all probability is trying to stalk the sportsman , or is lying up in wait for him .
19 The importance of the distinction between hire-purchase and sale becomes apparent when it is realised that different legal results followed .
20 Affectivity is only incomprehensible if it is expected that emotions can be translated into thoughts with a proposition contained within them .
21 The public will not be outraged if it is told that precedents will be confined to their facts .
22 However inadequate his predictions proved in the twentieth century , Marx 's appeal remains incomprehensible unless it is recognized that he did have an unsurpassed grasp of nineteenth-century capitalism .
23 Furthermore , this comparison becomes even more shocking when it is remembered that the population at risk of being killed at work is less than half those who could be ‘ murdered ’ .
24 A cash offer will be necessary where it is expected that some , if not all , shareholders will want to realise their investment .
25 Probably the adoption of the Gothic style for church schools is not so surprising when it is considered that the design of schools was a subject in which the influential Ecclesiological Society — the significant impact of whose views on church design has already been referred to — was prepared to interest itself .
26 Collecting bias seems to be greater for molars than for incisors , not surprising when it is considered that incisors are easier to locate in the pellets than are molars , and so an excess of incisors may be combined with a deficit of molars where there is collecting bias .
27 It is important for people with HIV to try and keep as healthy as possible as it is known that a balanced diet , rest and relaxation can help to strengthen the immune system .
28 I find it odd when it is suggested that it would be better for other people to grow the tobacco and for us to import it — as though that would help the health of the Community .
29 That is , a confirmation will be significant if it is estimated that it is unlikely to eventuate in the light of the background knowledge of the time .
30 Tempting though it is to believe that the top-priced grands vins must be the biggest bargains of all , the opposite is in fact the case .
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