Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] i [modal v] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was funny cos I could hear them talking and I was really sort of like
2 A towel that I 've put over the radiator to get warm so I can wrap it cosily round myself and hug myself dry .
3 And it has to be perfect before I shall allow you to go on to petit point . ’
4 Under Chambers 's auspices I 've prepared a questionnaire on ( intermediate ) learners ' dictionaries , along with a piece of sample text and a batch of parallel extracts from four other publishers ' dictionaries of about the same level , and I 'd be ever so grateful if I could send you about 10 of these sets to distribute amongst fellow teachers and some of the students , as you think fit ; and of course I 'd be pleased if you 'd answer one yourself .
5 In the massage parlour at lunchtime , Molly Lugg told me her son was now unemployed because his boss , Trevor Proby , was ‘ in chains ’ and she would be grateful if I could find him something to do , as he spends all his time kicking his heels , mostly through shop windows in the High Street .
6 I shall stay alive until I can catch him .
7 But I would b , e very glad if I might see you on your return to ask you to help me in two cases .
8 You 're lucky because I 'll tell you for why , you ca n't change a video if you buy .
9 My work this year is very much on the ground — there will be only two abstract things — or three at the most — all the rest is objective — as objective as I can make it
10 I 've instructed all those you wish to see to be available today , but it would be helpful if I could give them some idea of the order in which you wish to see them . ’
11 I 'm not sure if I 'll have you over the door-sill . ’
12 ‘ I 'm not sure if I can do it , ’ he was muttering , his features hardened by some complex emotion .
13 Sometimes I myself am not sure if I could do it .
14 I have n't seen her in years , I 'm not even sure if I 'd recognize her … " she finished doubtfully .
15 ‘ It 's great because I can ride it to the beach and people do n't recognise me beneath the helmet .
16 That 's good because I 'll bring you a copy in
17 It has been hyped so much that I was n't sure whether I would like it .
18 And er I was standing there I was n't really sure whether I should sign it .
19 ‘ I 'm not sure whether I should tell you .
20 And that 's as good as I can make it , Kirsty .
21 In all these cases the answer would be , " As good as I can get it . "
22 But my mum 's pretty good you know what I mean she as long as I can arrange it round her she 'll arrange her arrangements around me sort of thing .
23 For twenty years his widowed mother had kept a small shop in a St Helens slum , only accepting an occasional small amount of money and putting off other help with ‘ the same naive reply : ‘ It 's very good of you , dear lad , and I appreciate it , but as long as I can manage it , I shall prefer to have my feet under my own fender . ’
24 ‘ I 've got a bead on him , and as long as I can hold it I 'll have him when he moves .
25 As long as I can remember we 've been up here
26 I 'm not bothered either way as long as I can read it .
27 For example , it would make me very happy if I could see you every night across my dinner table ; if when I woke in the morning , I would hear you wish me ‘ Bonjour , chéri ! ’ in that so charming accent of yours .
28 It 's not really desperately important cos I can do it by using a list rather than a map but it 's just somehow easier to refer
29 All the trees ( except the hollies ) were bare-rooted transplants and as small as I could get them .
30 Erm the bedroom does n't get as hot as I would like it
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