Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [prep] any [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now he 's able to lean over his stable just like any other horse .
2 Now twenty two is not a large number , certainly not large enough for any statistical reliability to be placed on the result , but the fact remains that if you had bet on every single horse in that season at two to one on , and had bet the same amount , then you 'd have finished ahead .
3 You can understand ; the weather 's too cold now for any normal person to want to sit out .
4 I would honestly say , and it may sound arrogant , that although the White Paper came out in 1975 and it was some sort of a landmark to point the way , we were never conscious here of any tremendous pressure or even really of any light pressure to reorientate our services to the Priority Services .
5 The surname , and the message she was to telephone — it 's very abnormal indeed for any personal message from the victim to be sent so soon .
6 923 were cases in which , in effect , the same rules were applied as would have been applicable regardless of any special relationship between surety and debtor .
7 Visits from a local authority social worker can also do much to open up other lines of communication for the old and lonely ; and it can be helpful too for any elderly person who is housebound and not within easy calling or tapping distance of her neighbours , to have a large clear HELP notice to put in her window , and a loud bell to ring in an emergency if there is no telephone .
8 ‘ … in winter his private balls were numerous enough for any young lady who was not suffering under the insatiable appetite of fifteen . ’
9 With readership increased to 256,000 adults on Tuesdays and Fridays , the News Letter is far ahead of any other morning paper , said owner John Barrons , in terms of AB and ABC1 social class readers in Northern Ireland and has the largest overall readership of any morning paper in the Belfast urban area .
10 It 's not big enough for any high speed runs , but when it 's windy , it 's good enough for training .
11 The article now left the way open for the full expression of the teaching of Pius XI that , though the family had ‘ priority of nature and therefore of rights over civil society ’ , education belonged ‘ preeminently to the Church , by reason of a double title in the supernatural order , conferred exclusively upon her by God himself ; absolutely superior therefore to any other title in the natural order ’ ( 1929 : 5–6 ) .
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