Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] is [v-ing] to be " in BNC.

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1 And he admitted : ‘ I know it is going to be a hard slog for me to get back , but after what I have been through I 'm not bothered how hard it is going to be .
2 If it is as effective as the researchers say it is I am sure it is going to be a very big hit with cellulite sufferers world-wide .
3 I have never forgotten that I came home to my wife and said : ‘ There 's a young man working with us and I 'm sure he is going to be a big star . ’
4 This may make her feel that society regards her as a second-class widow , and you may need to help those who come into contact with her to understand how important it is going to be for her future adjustment for them to treat her just as they would any other bereaved person .
5 Look at the bottom of the table and you can see how tough it is going to be .
6 No-one , though , should be under any illusions as to how difficult it is going to be .
7 Be realistic about how difficult it is going to be .
8 The externalist can point out how difficult it is going to be for the internalist to provide a satisfying account of knowledge .
9 The prospect of environmental catastrophe has shown us how fragile life is , how inter-dependent we all are , how difficult it is going to be to find our way out — and how important ideas are going to be to finding it .
10 I should be quite content , I thought , to live here for ever , smelling the cooking and the lavatory and the dust , looking forward to my two slices of bread at lunch or tea and my Red Cross stew at supper , thinking about all the books I am going to read and how nice it is going to be when I can speak German and Russian fluently ; I only want to be allowed to live , and enjoy the sun when it shines , and wait for it when it goes behind a cloud .
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