Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [vb mod] have [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am afraid you will have to take account of the men of the Manhattan Project , ’ said Erlich through chattering teeth .
2 It was raining , sleety rain , and so cold you could have frozen milk .
3 John Seer , who 's Fire Protection Officer at Oxfordshire 's Fire Brigade , says had the dump been set alight it could have endangered life .
4 Had she had it in her to be extraordinarily good she would have felt cosmopolitan , since , she considered , there was a definite elegance , a chic , in sanctity .
5 I was so hungry I 'd have eaten pork scratchings .
6 Even with bone cross-sections only 100 times bigger than normal they would have reached breaking point , which is induced by stresses of a factor of ten or above .
7 If your pockets are small you may have to use index cards .
8 ‘ No , no , of course not , ’ he hurriedly corrects himself , aware he may have caused offence .
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