Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [verb] been [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 How generous I have been with my genius .
2 When we include fairy stories in our consideration of ‘ the short story ’ , we realise how central they have been to our childhood , adolescence and adulthood , too : how we have pored eagerly over them because we ourselves , like Snow White , have feared our mother 's envy ; because , like Little Briar Rose , we imagine the gap between the child and the woman to stretch over a hundred years ; because , like Cinderella , we long to be protected by the good mother from the bad mother .
3 Helen , who had been so calm during the night , was now cold and shaking with delayed shock , and Anne told her how glad she had been of her company .
4 I must be good I 've been round your mum every day but I have n't got it .
5 Rupert had never met Everard 's mother , but remembering his own mother and how comforting she had been in his childhood illnesses he was immediately reassured .
6 Of their evening together , of how forthcoming he 'd been with his information .
7 Only a Review/Recall Stage at the end will determine how successful you have been in your reading .
8 He reminisced how loyal he had been to his firm and how cruel he felt was his reward .
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