Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [verb] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 How fortunate we have been over the years in our efforts to help this cause , for yet again the story is one of sunshine , success and soaring profits .
2 The Gala youngster acknowledges how fortunate he has been in the folk who have advised him along the way .
3 The rush was over by then , so I had time to listen to him telling me how bored he had been with the monotonous life in Parma .
4 For many men the most important grieving they do is over the loss of their work when made redundant or on retirement .
5 Let's have a look back and see how successful you have been in the past .
6 At a media briefing in the House of Commons , the five main polling organisations — Gallup , Harris , ICM , NOP and MORI — reminded political editors and other interested journalists how accurate they had been in the past .
7 A touch of ground frost is not uncommon , irrespective of how blazing hot it has been during the day .
8 It had been an eye-opener to me in 1987 when I realized how naïve I had been about the press , discovered how they believe they have some God-given right to intrude on the privacy of well-known individuals in the name of journalism .
9 Still , however difficult he had been in the good days , when they were all riding high , he was still most certainly loyal .
10 The more the institutions of representative government demand technical efficiency from administrative organizations , the more those organizations have found it necessary to employ specialists and the more difficult it has been for the judgements of the career officials to be resisted .
11 It was an ignoble , unworthy thought , he knew , but he was — now , anyway — only human , and therefore prey to human weaknesses , whatever sort of superhuman he 'd been during the War .
12 Had seen , through the camera 's hidden eye , how fascinated she had been with the saddle .
13 Another approach to the competence question has been to ask clients , retrospectively , how satisfied they have been with the service they have had ( Rosenthal 1974 ) .
14 The picture ! — How eager he had been about the picture ! — and the charade ! — and an hundred other circumstances ; — how clearly they had seemed to point at Harriet .
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