Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] would [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No doubt chart-reading skills would also improve in an actual situation , but there do seem to be some serious difficulties in understanding how the numbers are related in the table .
2 Australia , England , West Indies and Pakistan would play each other mercifully just once , and the two top teams would then meet in a final .
3 But French premier , Pierre Mendès-France , won various concessions : the French army would not now be placed under federal European controls ( instead the European Army was abandoned ) ; German forces would voluntarily desist from using certain categories of weapons , including atomic , bacteriological and chemical devices ; Britain would maintain its current level of forces in Europe , and could therefore help France in controlling Germany in future .
4 On Jan. 17 Defence Minister Jean-Pierre Chevènement announced that French forces would only fight in Kuwait and not in Iraq .
5 The users of social services would greatly benefit from a much greater use of research — for decades this point has been made in reports , in meetings , and within research itself .
6 This so-called " realist " position was contrasted with the " maximalist " view that the development of political co-operation within the European Communities would eventually extend to all defence-related matters and render the WEU superfluous .
7 Schemes that work in well-ordered German or American suburbs , whose honest burghers would never dream of squeezing their junk into a neighbour 's bin or chucking it over a fence at dead of night , may be less successful in city centres .
8 Wages rose about 9 per cent , although inflationary pressure meant that average settlements would probably rise to 12 per cent in 1991 .
9 Most of the water vapour emerging from Venus s early volcanoes would therefore remain in the planet s atmosphere , in the form of clouds .
10 Similar sums would also have to be paid to Miranda , blast it , for very quickly she would learn of Annabel 's new income .
11 The demonstrators claimed that the rights and freedoms of ethnic Bulgarians would now suffer in places where Turks formed a majority and that national security would be threatened by pan-Turkish aspirations .
12 The monster of Greater Lebanon : In the first of two articles on the origins and architects of the situation in Lebanon , Robert Fisk describes the events which Muslim historians would later refer to as ‘ the betrayal ’
13 To the right of the picture , ignored by Gouraud , is a small group of Beirut notables , preparing for what several Lebanese Muslim historians would later refer to as ‘ the betrayal ’ .
14 More sober advocates are content to imply that in Britain a Conservative constituency party would field a wet , a damp and a dry candidate , whilst Labour candidates would range from deep crimson to shell pink , and the Liberal Democrats would presumably run at least one ex-Liberal and one ex-SDP candidate .
15 If it were n't that a judge has to decide a case , quite a few of Edward 's legal opinions would probably end in a question mark . ’
16 It may be you see that the manufacturing flavour of the past two years was to do with the pre er Common Market period getting inside the European Union ring fence with the manufacturing plant and there is speculation as to whether that will now change that the Common Market is now established and that that window of opportunity for manufacturing has tended to recede suggesting that it may be erm administrative er er services service sector that erm these international companies would now want inside the Union .
17 This problem would not arise with the assumption of average cost pricing but other , potentially more intractable problems would then have to be tackled , in particular how such behaviour could be reconciled with the idea that firms are profit maximizing organizations .
18 These leads , rejected not without reason , proved almost impossible to crack , although the odd few good ones would always emerge like gold nuggets in the granite .
19 Consequently , some experimental predestinarians would only associate with sub-groups of the elect within the established church , while others like William Bradshaw would have preferred to have limited communicant membership of the visible , national church solely to the elect .
20 It was not a place that unexpected prowlers would ever escape from .
21 The size of the establishment could reasonably be expected to affect the number of young people being exposed to the different recruitment strategies ( although the relative numbers of small employers would also have to be borne in mind ) .
22 Some went to town on Bolivia 's planetary responsibility , warning that such barbarian customs would eventually lead to the flooding of New York and Miami and the extinction of the human race .
23 Although Terminal courses would probably remain as the bulk of provision — ‘ the breadth of the base of the movement amongst ordinary folk ’ — ‘ the Tutorial Class must be the demonstration that real understanding , whatever the purpose , requires sustained effort ; and a significant expansion of activity at this level is the true index of a significant expansion of a genuinely informed public . ’ .
24 The empty upstairs became the haunt of druggies and our small children would sometimes carry in their needles .
25 The notion of giving a helping hand to a new literature produced against these overwhelming odds would naturally appear to her to be anathema .
26 The softening of European markets would probably result in total European sales dropping by about one million units to 12.3 million this year .
27 Rural services would always fail on that count .
28 In every symbolic aspect , the professional solidarity of the teachers in asserting their right to discipline nubile girls was a jarring , discordant event which made plain that other authorities would increasingly interfere in the privacy of the family .
29 The whole western seaboard of France and all the western provinces would thus fall into English hands .
30 Marx believed that these and other contradictions would eventually lead to the downfall of the capitalist system .
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