Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] and if you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yes Norman Lamont you 're right erm even the demise was suggested that the square sausage , which seemed possible on the basis of the conversion of metric tables and if you do n't know what the square sausage is , the G M B Scotland delegates will only be too happy er to give you the answer .
2 Boulogne is one of the French ports and if you went there on a day trip with your parents le ferry would take about 1 heure 40 minutes to cross the English Channel .
3 Er and we are talking about open countryside outside erm rural settlements and if you look at the wider countryside and that includes in my judgement er the pattern of settlement which is where most people actually do live in in the countryside .
4 Erm and then it goes on to say , Please find the enclosed the postal sites available in your area Miriam who 's the Green Party person who 's organizing it has provided the required areas and if you need any more details please do n't hesitate to call me or my secretary .
5 Bream are not great fighters and if you got one on then you knew it would stay on ; the trouble was getting one on in the first place !
6 Get up slowly , do n't stand for long periods and if you feel faint , take some deep , rapid breaths .
7 So from that biblical scores have concluded , the book that we know as Genesis was originally two accounts that were pushed together but not very expert actually , because you can still see the join , an and Freud 's view about the Moses there are numerous discrepancies and numerous joins and if you take it all apart and say what is it , what does it make up , his conclusion is that erm Moses was , was not Egyptian , sorry Moses was not er erm no not , not a Hebrew but Egyptian .
8 Er there 's a sense also in which memories may not be an individual phenomenon but may be a collective phenomena and if you listen to families reminiscing about things or people who 've know each-other for a long time reminiscing about things , different people supply different details , they contradict one-another , they erm fill things in , they say no it ca n't have been then because um because that was the Christmas when Uncle Sydney had his kidney stones and um y'know stuff like that .
9 Look at the toes of its front feet and if you discover fur on its nails you will know for sure there is another rabbit still to be captured .
10 The little holes are openings to the sensory pores and if you look you will see two lines of them on the sides , the lateral lines .
11 I do n't care how much snout , cash or force you use , my ring-piece is out of fucking bounds and if you try anything I 'll cut your heart out . ’
12 Most hotels and similar venues have tracking spotlights and if you have plenty of set-up time , you should be able to cheer up the most basic hotel meeting room .
13 They have all seen the game on TV , they know that if they get to the table they can build big breaks and if you make one mistake they go for your jugular .
14 at it for responsibility and financial reasons and if you log down every bit that you spent doing admin assistant and E O then you 'd say stuff this for a game of soldiers but you do n't
15 Remember that , as with tools for any kind of job , there are good tools and not-so-good tools and if you buy poor quality tools , they may let you down at a vital time .
16 The very first sortie that I did when the war started was with No 77 Squadron in a Whitley to take pamphlets to Germany , flying in at the top end near Kiel and going throughout the Ruhr spreading these horrors of war on the germans telling them " you are wicked naughty Germans and if you do n't mend your ways Hamish will come back tomorrow night and drop some more paper on you " .
17 Keep them in their original containers and if you need to transfer them make sure they go into a new , labelled bottle or clean paper envelope .
18 I , standing on my tiptoes I could n't see out the window to , to look out to the stage erm , and there was a huge step up , it was about that , which was great for people 's bad backs and if you got up on that , erm then you sat on top of a very high cocktail chair , in fact one of our people had to kneel on top of the high cocktail chair , to look , to see down , over the window , down to the stage and they did n't give us a sound feed which would sound familiar
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