Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] of [noun] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 The weekly team talks improved their motivation and heightened their involvement , and weekly rounds of golf helped them to relax .
2 Odd hairs straggled out of various warts , and the brown freckles of age gave them a strange resemblance to the stones .
3 Meanwhile , both sides were bringing up more and more artillery pieces and vast numbers of shells to feed them : the pattern of Verdun was repeating itself .
4 Above all , they worked the tides , using those heaven-sent moving roads of water to help them on their way .
5 Richard 's disregard for their cherished customs of inheritance threatened them all , directly or indirectly , and provided a cause to which all could rally in defence of the right order of their world .
6 The cost of feeding and clothing a giant child was astronomical because they demanded large quantities of food and needed large pieces of cloth to cover them .
7 The archers have a lighter corselets of scale mail and powerful bows constructed of alternating layers of wood to give them great power and range .
8 Enormous mossy roofs of houses awaited them , and stables , sheepfolds , barns .
9 However , it should be stressed that different types of organizations will require differing types of budgets to enable them to function effectively .
10 He urged people not to let the short-term problems of recession blind them to the long-term truth .
11 The development of documentation guidelines is a high priority and we are working with some of the major depositors of data to produce them .
12 Many of the disciplines of contemplation have been designed precisely to wean the mind and head away from these earth-bound modes of perception to help them to discover another kind of experience , which they call ‘ spiritual ’ .
13 Previous experience of using visually stimulating material , encouragement to do so , interest in the task in hand , curiosity and enjoyment seem to play a part in the way that some pupils use even low levels of vision to help them to find out the things they are interested in .
14 Well you know it was one of those happy combinations of Johnny writing them , John coming with those fresh arrangements and me sort of the naivety and the joy of being in the business , it was so exciting and happy that it was one of those lucky things where the combination of the three of us worked .
15 A decision was taken in principle to require agencies with independent sources of income to transfer them to the central treasury .
16 She recognizes cultural and race differences in these patterns , and acknowledges the political limits of programmes to change them .
17 In place of the comfortable doctrine of sedimentation keeping pace with subsidence , we were now faced with the notion of empty troughs forming in the sea floor , with only occasional rushes of sediment to fill them .
18 The Department of Transport estimates that before belts were compulsory , only about a third of people in the front seats of cars wore them .
19 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
20 Trim tops of cakes to level them .
21 The red resisters of Mondano shot them , by popular request .
22 Ethnology documents other uses of cowries associating them with sight .
23 Similarly , they can persuade other holders of bills to exchange them for time deposits in banks , by offering a higher rate of interest on time deposits ; something they can do if the demand for advances is high and hence higher interest rates can be charged on advances .
24 To view workers and employers as equal partners in an agreement lacks any sense of the sharp inequalities of power dividing them .
25 At the junction of the Welford branch , a boat from Welford met them with ample supplies of refreshments to fortify them against the passage of Bosworth tunnel .
26 The bright colours of flowers make them conspicuous from considerable distances .
27 Lloyd 's Register , which carries out structural surveys of ships to enable them to be insured , believes that structural failure was to blame for many of the losses and is mounting an urgent investigation to establish whether this is the case .
28 Before then , the toads have to lay in sufficient stores of energy to sustain them during their patient vigil underground .
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