Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] be the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The only practical and total form of automatic fire protection suitable for high-bay warehouses is the automatic sprinkler system .
2 Rich pinks are the main emphasis in early August , but earlier in the year blue delphiniums predominate .
3 A fashionable consensus may be emerging , among those who reject any variation of the ‘ one more heave ’ school of Labour electoral thought , that a mixture of constitutional reform , including proportional representation ; a philosophy based on using the community to protect the individual ; and a set of consumer-friendly policies is the best way to create a modern left-of-centre party to take on the Conservatives .
4 One of NRO 's most advanced projects was the Rhyolite satellite programme .
5 Residential care is very labour intensive , and fundamental to the viability of private homes is the heavy involvement of the owners and their families , often working very long hours .
6 Guaranteeing the security of the acute units was the major preoccupation of managers , who were realistic about the competition they faced in maintaining " market share " once resident- based funding was introduced .
7 But in the short-term AS-levels are the only instrument we 've got for change . ’
8 He did not win : the executive in charge of setting up the European offices was the dynamic ex-sheriff of Caribou , Idaho , named William Swift Daliba , who could toss a silver dollar in the air and plug it with his six-gun .
9 Fusion of light nuclei is the common principle in the Sun and in tokamaks but the fusion fuels are rather different .
10 Class or non-examination essays are the main concern of the chapter .
11 Tune into the harmony of your developing fragrance : Top Notes are the first scent you 'll smell , but these are volatile and do n't last .
12 One explanation for the different susceptibilities is the different capacity of macrophages and lymphocytes to confer resistance .
13 It is thus by no means surprising that a contentious current issue in British schools is the permissible length of boys ' hair .
14 But the notion that these raw recruits were the critical ingredient is open to doubt .
15 The German Ideology , 1846 The first book where Marx and Engels include in their political writings a thorough analysis of the evolution of society and of pre-capitalist social formations is The German Ideology .
16 Of particular relevance to such a potentially egalitarian levelling of differences between social classes is the great emphasis that is laid upon role-playing in fragment I. Chaucer is especially concerned to draw attention to his persona , " Chaucer " , towards the end of the General Prologue and in the Miller 's Prologue ( 725 – 6 ; 3170 – 86 ) .
17 We repeat again that many sexual problems are the direct heritage of infancy and , in that respect , are not easily overcome .
18 The Chairman of the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs is the former Cabinet Minister the Right Honourable David Howell ( Member for Guildford ) .
19 One of my favourite festivals is the small winter ale festival in Exeter .
20 The ever decreasing value of coinage is the common currency of taxi driver and bar talk , but anew cut-price penny with surprising magnetic properties is the sole interest of an international Magic Penny Society , founded by , professor of Biochemistry at Brunel University .
21 Political imagery expressed in pictures , in elaborate ceremonial and in official narrative sources is the public face of government .
22 The uniformity of its top executives is the crucial case in point .
23 Once elected , however , bashing foreign firms is the last thing he should do , especially if he wants to boost jobs .
24 ‘ How many times worse than 200 unsightly windmills is the radioactive product of a nuclear power or the CO 2 emissions of one coal-fired station ? ‘ ask Energy Committee in its report of the hearings .
25 Yet the defining characteristic of all patronal social relations is the privileged situation of the patron .
26 I recall a German friend saying , hurtfully , in the tone of voice reserved for self-evident truths , that ‘ everybody knows British Airways is the worst airline in the world ’ .
27 OATS currently has some 160 cadets from seventeen nations in training at Oxford , with British Airways being the largest client .
28 As this bombardment has grown so have the services surrounding it , and public relations is the leading contender to see that one bit of information or message gets through amid the onslaught of mass media advertising and other information providers like the media that constantly continue to assail .
29 But he is right in saying that existing road space must be rationed — electronic devices are the obvious method — and public transport radically enhanced .
30 The English champions are the Premier League 's leading goalscorers and unbeaten at home for 18 months , which makes the protection of a 2–1 first-leg lead a massive proposition for Rangers .
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