Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb pp] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The answers to these questions are discovered from the diagram ( given certain simple diagrammatic transformations carried out by the system , which are structurally analogous to changes that would happen in the real world ) , rather than being computed in terms of abstract mathematical equations and specific numerical values .
2 The action follows detailed investigations carried out by the board last month .
3 Brown sticks stuck out of the sleeves where there should have been wrists and his head was like a hard dry acorn , sun-burned and bald , no hair .
4 And then there are all those empty packets discarded out of the window onto Britain 's already polluted streets .
5 In a recent study of British libraries carried out by the Graphic Information Research Unit at the Royal College of Art for the British Library ( 1977 ) , it was found that ‘ the general standard of graphics was poor … signs in particular tended to vary in design and construction ’ .
6 Personal Computer World ( January 1993 ) — the free disk has been removed and the accompanying pages torn out of the journal .
7 Mr Rawley told the court that he had received full details of the scientific tests carried out by the Ministry that morning .
8 Therefore there may not be as much agreement on this point in economic evaluations carried out in the future .
9 Though the thermal establishment itself is quite stately , in the normal style of these amenities , the village is tightly shut in by the mountains on either side and is not much more than a ribbon of dark houses strung out along the main road .
10 Some systemically-desirable information , although part of the wider system , was not relevant to the actual activities carried out in the EPH .
11 Below , uneven steps carved out of the cliff led down to a small sandy cove .
12 In this model there are two distinct functions carried out by the Treasury : economic policy , planning and advice ; and financial management control .
13 He had scarcely known Maggie , could not have known that he could not have chosen a better treat than this mysterious park , with its vast statues carved out of the living rock : the huge-mouthed cave with its mighty teeth , the vast stone giant , his shoulders visible through bushes a hundred yards away , half hidden in greenery ; and above all , the great carved stone dragon with its broken wings , and wild Chinese eyes .
14 Pesh Framjee would like to see ‘ incorporated charities taken out of the Companies Act and only reporting under the Charities Act , or if that is not possible have them report under both .
15 Option 6 allows the librarian to have overdue reminders printed out by the microcomputer and in terms of time saved , this is one of the attractions of a computerized loans system .
16 Additionally , for the purposes of tax relief , the £75,000 ceiling on earnings ( £60,000 during 1989/90 ) applies to all new personal pensions taken out since the 1989 Budget .
17 Gas chromatographic methods for the determination of herbicides , for example Simazine and Atrazine , are being developed for use in groundwater-pollution studies carried out by the BGS 's Hydro-geology Group .
18 These surveys add data to those furnished by previous surveys carried out by the Preservation Division in recent years , that measured the brittle paper problem in the Library and the condition of particular areas of the special collections and manuscript collections .
19 After she left the kitchen , Nicandra delayed her disappointing return to Aunt Tossie by a wander in the lower regions where the doors to other domestic businesses opened out of the kitchen passages .
20 The major impetus for this work have been the national surveys carried out by the Home Office , the British Crime Surveys of 1982 , 1984 and 1988 .
21 Full tax benefits for gifts to non-profit bodies thrown out with the General Revenue Act
22 It could therefore be argued that it was in the interests of the Soviet Union to see the Korean peninsula in the hands of a friendly regime and American-Japanese interests pushed out of the Asian continent .
23 A week that had seen all her safe , conventional standards thrown out of the window , and irretrievably altered her life .
24 SO Tory MPs thrown out by the electors in April are finding it difficult to get jobs .
25 The WHO collaborative studies carried out in the 1970s , indeed , support the suggestions made above .
26 This is an analysis of what the major activities carried out by the organisation should be .
27 The two black cars pulled out of the gates , round the corner , and were gone .
28 The hole will need to be filed smooth and all copper filings washed out of the cylinder before the flange is fitted .
29 The regular surveys carried out by the British Antarctic Survey at its Halley Bay and Faraday stations show that two-thirds of the layer had been destroyed before the end of September .
30 New installations of the sow stall would be banned from this year , and current systems phased out by the end of 1998 .
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