Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [coord] [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The following chapter considers the various policies which have been proposed to deal with regional imbalances and is then followed by a study of inner cities .
2 A look at this shy and distinctive creature which has lived in Britain for thousands of years and featured in many favourite stories but is rarely seen in its natural habitat .
3 Central South has two of the best circuits and most of the best drivers … our guide to the track is Gary Chapman from Chinnor … he races for the Shenington Club in Oxfordshire … has won three British Championships and is currently leading the race for this year 's crown …
4 Despite its Exmoor origins , the Devon has proved as tolerant of hot climates as it is of cold wet ones and is now reared extensively in Australia , New Zealand , the USA , Brazil and Jamaica .
5 Flagelliflory , the presentation of flowers on long peduncles , occurs in several unrelated groups and is generally associated with bat pollination , but a whole family of plants in a wide range of habitats in tropical America has all its species bat-pollinated with the flowers projecting above the canopy ; namely the Caryocaraceae .
6 My own conclusions , which in this case are probably completely worthless , are that this ticking represents a period of grace — I mean that it can not explode — as long as the ticking lasts and that it 's not designed to explode when the ticking stops but is then activated and ready to explode when triggered by passing engines .
8 Every industrialized country faces similar problems and is either considering similar solutions or has already implemented some of them .
9 The former will reappear in chapter 5 in relation to investigations of glaciers , for example , and the latter is the reason for interdisciplinary cooperation that has been stressed in the preceding pages and is further developed in chapter 8 .
10 The assessment , against which the parent can appeal , seeks to identify a child 's specific needs and is then used as the basis for eventual school placement .
11 The Pharmacopoeia has played an increasingly important role in defining common criteria and control standards for medicinal substances and is now developing analytical methods for solvent and pesticide residues and strengthening its role in the standardisation of biologicals such as blood products and vaccines .
12 The distinction between the Japanese profiles highlights the very marked tendency to reward length of continuous employment in large firms and is closely related to their much higher rates of union membership .
13 The Court of Appeal itself is , subject to limited exceptions , bound by its own previous decisions and is always bound by decisions of the House of Lords .
14 The area is intersected only by minor ‘ B ’ -class roads and country lanes , contains no large towns and is largely given over to agriculture .
15 Croft took a year 's sabbatical to recover from a string of niggling injuries and is now raring to go again .
16 Sea salt is usually available in coarse or fine grades and is best used from a salt mill as a condiment .
17 It often stands motionless in pools for long periods and is easily watched from a car or hide .
18 It is just possible that this is exactly the situation that we face when , as individuals , we experience these stages , and it may certainly be the situation that , as psychoanalysts , we encounter when we try to reconstruct the phases of ego- and superego-development from the sole evidence of the clinical analysis of individuals ( For instance , I strongly suspect that this fact has seriously misled the Kleinian school in its theory of developmental stages and is still obscuring much of the psychological structure of the psychoses , and perhaps the neuroses too . )
19 • Dusit Hotels and Resorts , Thailand ( eight hotels ) : has planted one tree for each of its hotel rooms , separates and recycles waste , uses unbleached and undyed cotton for sheets and towels in new hotels , has installed silver reflects , lowering the number of light bulbs used by half ; uses solar panels for hot water supply , has fitted water flow regulators in taps and showers and has introduces a ‘ wet-down , soap-up and rinse-off ’ campaign to promote water conservation , sponsors environmental seminars and is now initiating a ‘ green wing ’ scheme — a wing of guest rooms in every hotel converted to an eco-friendly environment , to be monitored over two years to see how energy consumption compares with standard rooms .
20 The IPG 's task of informing every bureau of the social security changes in 1988 demonstrated many of its key issues and is therefore used here as a case study .
21 It is a paired structure which occupies most of the cerebral hemispheres and is also called the neopallium .
22 Largue was an apprentice turner but because of his injuries is now unable to lift heavy objects and is now retraining to be an electronic engineer .
23 If you 're comparing us with primary and secondary schools we have to remember that the erm the great erm age bulge pass has passed through the primary schools and is passing through the secondary schools and is still to reach higher education .
24 He has written several articles and short stories and is now working on a novel .
25 18 months on from its official opening by The Duchess of York , the Club has achieved both of those initial objectives and is currently trying to build upon them , in communication with its members .
26 The policy for science and technology has been developed in tandem with the new Labour government 's economic and industrial policies and is generally considered part of any plans for national recovery and reconstruction .
27 The extreme reductionist approach that is represented in the above quotation , and is apparent again and again in his writings , not only in The Origin of Species but in many of his later books , is conspicuous by its absence from early plant ecological texts and is barely represented in the ecological literature until towards the middle of the twentieth century .
28 Designed by the Regent Belt Company Ltd , the flask holds six fluid ounces and is beautifully covered in mahogany-coloured leather .
29 As he explains , ‘ where the resulting self-definition , for personal or collective reasons , becomes too difficult , a sense of role confusion results : the young person counterpoints rather than synthesises his sexual , ethnic , occupational and typological alternatives and is often driven to decide definitely and totally for one side or the other . ’
30 It is available in granular form , in various sizes and is usually used in deep beds , sited as near as possible to the odour source and can be obtained as a charcoal cloth .
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