Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [coord] [pron] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Brian May is one of my favourite guitarists and I found that I could really relate to his window idea .
2 She knew they had different fathers and she knew that in each case there was only a certain number of possibilities , but beyond that all was obscure .
3 Superficially it resembles a shield boss with three fixing holes but I thought that they were heavier and cast .
4 Even the populists raised similar issues but they discovered that there was greater mileage in personal attacks on the individuals involved in planning .
5 The failure to resolve Germany 's future added to Europe 's economic problems and it seemed that Communists in France and Italy might exploit the consequent social discontent in order to seize power .
6 He came to me He had a problem , he and I were good friends and he said that erm that this one girl s erm Michelle , was his favourite wife and that he had been with her since erm she was twelve .
7 If the doctrine was broken and officials could explain their views freely in public , then ministers would have the much more formidable task of making their case against men who were seized of the key counterpoints and who knew that their arguments were accepted by many in the ministry .
8 ‘ I was the first one to experience this sort of pressure , while players like Ian Wright and Keith Curle can go for extraordinary amounts but they escaped because they were not the record signings .
9 Despite the market uncertainties and many other problems there were a number who had made great strides and it seemed that many would succeed .
10 This development was undoubtedly happening ; but it is important to be clear exactly which features were different from the immediate post-war years and which continued as before .
11 The Federal Electoral Institute released in early September the final results which corrected preliminary estimates of the Aug. 18 mid-term congressional elections but which confirmed that the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ) had won a huge majority of seats in the Chamber of Deputies , the lower house of the Congress [ see p. 38385 for details of other simultaneous elections ] .
12 The question was casual but Rachel thought she detected a flicker of interest in Louise 's blue eyes and she wondered if the stories about herself and David had reached the welfare office yet or whether she was simply becoming paranoid where he was concerned .
13 The Committee 's report thus concluded that these practices were necessary in modern circumstances but they suggested that , because of haphazard evolution , the practices lacked coherence and the system should therefore be regularized and checked .
14 Success came early for Paula who , at 19 , was being flown on modelling assignments to exotic locations all over the world : ‘ But I was alone , with other models and we drank and drank and drank .
15 It had started construction on more than 1,000 new beds and he predicted that 4,785 beds would be fully operational by 1 April .
16 The panels were decorated with the portraits of the twelve Marshals of the First Empire , in their splendid uniforms ; the tall windows were hung with red velvet draperies with golden fringes and they seemed but tiny openings in the enormous room .
17 The new regulations were , at first , systematically evaded by all those with vested interests and he recognized that to pursue the path he had begun he was going to have to reinforce the need for change again and again .
18 I felt uneasy about telling the other girls but I knew that ‘ A ’ would take it very differently from them .
19 I was aware what could happen , I could see that any weakness was pounced upon by the other boys and I knew that I was n't big enough or belligerent enough to bully my way out of it .
20 Erm and the meeting felt that it asks it asks for for views from local parties and we felt that the amount of money
21 But what I did was , right before we started recording , I purchased a 1969 all-original Marshall 100 watt stack with the original speakers and we used that for most of the record for the rhythm tracks .
22 not unhappy at staying away from a western business man , even though he might be a temporary guest of the State ; after all , they were permanent guests and who knew but … .
23 My Lord the the final matter is , my learned friends and I agreed that it would be proper for there to be a further interim payment er in the sum of twenty five thousand pounds .
24 However I applied and then sought the advice and prayers of Christian friends and we prayed that if it was n't from the Lord I would n't get accepted .
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