Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 In social situations it has to be recognised that there is at least one other sentient being present who has his own objectives which might accord with or oppose those of the first person .
2 Like many old soldiers he liked to be by himself , to reflect well away from others .
3 Lochinver was a magnet , largely because of the strange mountains I knew to be in its vicinity , and I longed to go there .
4 In the rural high oil category , where incidence increased significantly in 1979–83 ( table II ) , the peak moved during that period to age 2 as in urban areas , remaining there in 1984–8 ; in other rural areas it continued to be at age 3 .
5 The decoders here are just non-linear functions , they 're just binary non-linear functions they happen to be but they 're non-linear .
6 When she demanded whether there were any suspicious circumstances he refused to be drawn and took over the questioning : ‘ Why did n't you say Ayling was here on Friday ? ’
7 Today 's equipment — trains and track — is very expensive to provide and maintain ; to cover its basic costs it has to be in service providing revenue for up to say sixteen hours per day .
8 In corporate terms it has to be made more dangerous to acquiesce than to dissent and this is not an easy trick to turn .
9 Though in itself fairly insensitive under normal conditions it had to be set off by the early , very sensitive , mercury-fulminate detonator which was fired by safety fuze .
10 erm Peter wants to tighten up on on on the business of erm carrying holidays over and I think he 's right , actually , erm and he also is using this opportunity to try to et us to plan our holidays as a group so that we 're not all off at the same time , or if it 's appropriate we should all be off a the same time then we 're off at the same time , but it 's erm common sense should prevail one way or another , but it would be a good idea if you could let me have erm a brief indication of any major times you plan to be away .
11 ‘ The terrible things you refer to were intended to ensure you could continue to live here — in the style you obviously do . ’
12 Many black adolescents I talked to were conscious of the differences between their own Creole and their parents ' .
13 The lawyer never spoke to anyone , never smiled and never lifted his eyes from the innumerable papers he seemed to be reading through his monocle .
14 women are not sexy skinny women are not sexy , really skinny women we have to be like the Madonna type woman and I think that the , the , its about money and its about co , its about the consumer and about money and about making money from an image that somebody somewhere has seen as the normal perfect woman and the norm can be any thing it could be whatever you want it to be .
15 Upwind , however , the daggerboard is still kept in the down position , though in extreme conditions it needs to be moved back a few centimetres .
16 And to be company for him in his old age among this sorority of Slavonic women he seemed to be siring .
17 The only times I do not want to be a writer are when I want to be a painter , and the only times I want to be a painter are when I am taken by the cast or mobility on a person 's face .
18 As with all small units you have to be wary of war machines and magic .
19 In temperate regions they support specially-adapted halophilic ( salt-loving ) species of plants ; in polar regions they tend to be barren .
20 Perhaps even more than most long-distance paths it deserves to be pottered .
21 For a newcomer into single seaters he seems to be doing well .
22 From obscure origins he rose to be the best-known Wiltshire clothier of his day , famous in the 1540s for his use of the buildings of Malmesbury Abbey as industrial workshops .
23 Unlike some of the more academically qualified tutors , Sophie Green believed that if the WEA was to succeed among manual workers it had to be perceived as a social movement striving for a democratic state through its educational purpose .
24 The introduction of education support grants , whereby central government sets aside money for educational topics it deems to be of particular importance .
25 We fail so utterly to reward responsible married women that if we give anything at all to single mothers we appear to be placing a premium — ‘
26 In the past , that wholeness was to be found in the college or the institution and its organic community , but in modern times it tends to be located in the subject-department , which becomes in Burke 's phrase the ‘ little platoon ’ which provides the student with his or her identity , base and purpose ( Mansell 1976 ) .
27 Depending on his assessment of the patient , the therapist may judge that he should be encouraged to use open access only as a last resort ; in other cases it has to be accepted that the patient and his relatives may benefit if they can use this facility often .
28 At other times they have to be ‘ seeded ’ , either by particles of dust or by small crystals dropped in from elsewhere .
29 What is more , Marx was not consistent in his account of ideology and while he sometimes seems to be referring to what Mannheim was later to call ‘ total ideology ’ , at other times he seems to be referring to a ‘ particular conception ’ of ideology with its psychologistic basis .
30 Sometimes , for example , the id refers to a section of the mind , at other times it appears to be alluding to a whole person or agent .
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