Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adj] for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In using a symbolic device , such as a pointing gesture , to communicate with another person about something — for example , an object — it is clear that the child has learned many of the social skills necessary for linguistic communication .
2 But neither does he fall back on the traditional liberal solution of improving educational provision , since he has no illusions about the difficulties of inculcating the civic virtues necessary for proper development .
3 Whilst it is hoped that this text as a whole will contribute to the development of the personal qualities necessary for successful salesmanship , this chapter concentrates specifically on those aspects of international selling with which a firm either exporting or contemplating the same should be familiar .
4 Separate packs available for individual use and for classroom use .
5 Having described the assumptions of the approach , we shall now describe the cognitive processes necessary for skilled reading and spelling , emphasising the subskills involved in word recognition , anticipation , and integration .
6 Specific handicaps refer to natural conditions unfavourable for agricultural production , e.g. poor soil , poor drainage or excessive salinity .
7 But because the two meeting houses are enveloped in giant tarpaulins ready for overnight fumigation there will be no official welcome .
8 This annual edition lists all current materials available for general distribution .
9 Provides an understanding of some of the major processes responsible for environmental degradation by loss or deterioration of land , air or water resources , and further aims to develop expertise in the design and implementation of programmes of environment protection and management .
10 Most are existing schemes eligible for extra EIB money under the Edinburgh facility , which allows the bank , the European Commission 's investment arm , to lend more than its usual 50 per cent ceiling to suitable , growth-promoting projects .
11 The Group 's report Living Options Lottery , concluded , ‘ The reality of housing and care support options revealed … is alarming … few people obtain the flexible , dependable services essential for personal autonomy .
12 Facilitation means taking responsibility for making the fundamental changes necessary for true integration , whilst accepting the direction for that change from Disabled people 's own organisations .
13 Perhaps many of those from broken homes search for surrogate fathers , but only those with the physical assets necessary for sporting success , such as strength and speed , are able to foster attachments in the sporting fraternity .
14 No other analysis is normally possible , and synthesis — using the taxonomic information to make meaningful generalisations available for other plant sciences such as evolution , ecology , genetics , plant breeding , plant pathology etc — is made laborious .
15 When on 5 September the Lords Lieutenant of the four most northerly counties were ordered to make their respective militias ready for immediate service , it emerged that neither Northumberland nor Durham had been reimbursed by central government for the money they had previously spent in keeping the force mustered , while the authorities in Cumberland admitted candidly : ‘ T is so long since the militia was raised that we are apprehensive the arms are either lost or in bad order . ’
16 It need hardly be said , of course , that this is not a matter of absolutes : there were certainly fifteenth-century scholars ambitious for worldly power and possessions , as there were seventeenth-century scholars who aspired to excellence in .
17 A large selection of miniature frames , and other small items suitable for pressed flower work , are available from craft shops .
18 Akpata 's condition was made worse , as were those of three other seriously-injured U.S. players , when they were taken to small hospitals ill-equipped for major trauma .
19 I met other European Ministers responsible for regional policy and Mr. Bruce Millan , the responsible member of the Commission , at The Hague on 18 and 19 November .
20 I met other European Ministers responsible for regional policy and Mr. Bruce Millan , the responsible member of the Commission , at The Hague on 18 and 19 November .
21 There is a general presumption in favour of development and the government quite clearly ‘ has no intention of identifying specific locations suitable for major development or for different types of retailing ’ .
22 The Integrative Series is a set of powerful , stand-alone functions designed to aid asset allocation into global markets and currencies , securities analysis and evaluation , portfolio management , risk management , hedging and all other operations necessary for effective asset management .
23 The oblique waves responsible for longshore drift will also set up a longshore current , which will assist in the process of moving material along the beach .
24 The National Toxicology Programme which is jointly run by the main federal agencies responsible for public health , is charged with developing and promoting toxicology tests in the US .
25 Slop , arising from the assembly of components in their minimum metal condition or due to an estimated wear pattern , can be included to produce positional uncertainty in the mechanism , which can then be compared to the positional requirements necessary for correct operation .
26 The RUC also affords community and neighbourhood policemen and women the optimal organizational conditions necessary for effective policing , identified by Fielding et al .
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