Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [prep] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 They cover a lot of ground so the designated flight area has to include very generous margins of up to an extra 50% over the line lengths and , most important , this area has to be clear of all spectators and especially other kites .
2 as if to mock us , Howe 's remarks preceded the release of the South Korean hostage Do Chae Sung by just a few weeks and the liberation of two French hostages by just over a month .
3 Its report this week says serious delays of up to a year in awarding benefit to some disabled people was ‘ tantamount to maladministration ’ .
4 The coordinating of the various world pick-ups did try the patience of all concerned and the long waits at 5am on a chilly Christmas morning were no laughing matter .
5 His move follows exclusive revelations in TODAY about a secret Government inquiry into the high cost of the games .
6 The US Energy Department and the Westinghouse concern significantly under-reported leaks of up to a million gallons of radioactive water from storage tanks at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation , according to a General Accounting Office ( GAO ) report .
7 Meanwhile , foreign ministers of the four ‘ nuclear ’ republics — Russia , Ukraine , Belarus and Kazakhstan — failed after a day of talks to agree on a formula for ratifying the 1991 US-Soviet START agreement that would cut strategic nuclear arsenals by up to a third .
8 Acknowledging the problems of information confidentiality and the need to retain machine-readable records for up to a hundred years before they can be publically released , it still seems feasible for the various interested parties to forge links in order to share expertise and avoid the needless duplication of effort .
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