Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [be] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Overall , though the various criminal justice agencies were seen as differentially culpable with regard to racial discrimination , racially prejudiced attitudes were thought to be widespread .
2 The sufferings of the young when first they go away from home and try to hold their own with cruel contemporaries are felt to be very great even when they are not .
3 Labour hours are expected to be limited to 800 next year .
4 But at the same time , it is clear that as soon as the war was over the purely economic contradictions were bound to be excessively aggravated .
5 Transcription of the exogenous sequences was shown to be alpha-amanitin resistant , which indicates that the procyclin/PARP promoter was active .
6 Before we plunge into that debate we ought to recognize that recruitment to elite positions in the public and private sectors is said to be highly meritocratic .
7 People lacking supportive relationships were expected to be prone to depression whether or not they experienced major difficulties or threatening events .
8 A lot of different disciplines were going to be dragged in .
9 The Cornish giants were reputed to be a stupid and murderous bunch , fond of hurling boulders around the countryside .
10 Traditional patterns of family life and cultural values are said to be breaking down under the pressure of geographical and social mobility , and the power of the mass media .
11 These terminal direct repeats are believed to be generated by the mechanism through which migrating transposons reinsert themselves into the chromosomal DNA .
12 Most Iraqi cities are reported to be without electricity or telephones .
13 The empty houses are expected to be re-occupied .
14 Lots of suggestions , old cinemas were going to be used as a sort of permanent blues club .
15 In other species such as S.cerevisiae ( 6 ) , S.pombe ( 7 ) or Dictyostelium ( 8 ) , the repeated units were found to be more heterogeneous .
16 Serbian units were said to be conducting house-to-house searches last night after ordering Muslims and Croats to surrender their weapons .
17 For example , the concept of ‘ role ’ is usually understood universally , in that social roles are presumed to be found in all societies , whether developed or pre-literate , modern or historical .
18 These magnetic anomalies were found to be hundreds of kilometres long and typically 20–30 km across , and it initially seemed that they were caused by alternating bands of weakly and strongly magnetized rocks .
19 No German warships were thought to be in the immediate area and only some four squadrons of fighters and bombers — an estimated 37 planes — were flying from Herdia , Stavanger , and Trondheim .
20 Four British manufacturers are believed to be fighting for the contract to supply Virgin with machines .
21 We have noted that a male community defends a group territory and the outcome of aggressive interactions between different communities is known to be in part dependent upon party size .
22 British companies are beginning to be more aware of the needs of their disabled employees , and the potential benefits of continuing their employment .
23 Several big British companies are said to be ‘ extremely interested ’ .
24 Its civil jurisdiction was encroached upon , as contracts made and wrongs done abroad or at sea were brought within the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts by fictions , such as the pretence that such towns as Bordeaux were within the area of , say , Cheapside , so that many international commercial transactions were considered to be purely municipal .
25 High-ranking officials were said to be rigging privatization to their own advantage , using their influence in local administrations .
26 In that way , the French banks are trying to be Japanese , to set up a community of interest between themselves and their clients .
27 At the time when the income of many of the top charities is said to be either static , or to have fallen , it 's essential for public in the private sector , do not forsake their supporting role .
28 The expectations and priorities of social workers are seen to be very low in relation to the children 's education ; changes of placement lead to changes of school and this is seldom taken into account in placement decisions .
29 In either event it is no longer safe to assume that non-human animals are just small versions of us , so direct extrapolations are going to be a risky business .
30 German firms are said to be dumping in Eastern Europe waste which it would be costly for them to dispose of in Germany itself , including radioactive uranium , used tyres and banned pesticides .
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