Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Most of this is for the purchase of private houses but they also lend on commercial property .
2 Since use of land for domestic and industrial purposes is largely incompatible with clean water , potable supply rivers tend to be found in rural settings where they also have considerable amenity value .
3 normal trainers but they just got spikes in them .
4 Foreign sovereigns and the ambassadors of foreign states are immune from the jurisdiction of the English courts unless they voluntarily submit themselves to it , but the actual extent of the immunity is not free from doubt .
5 In other words , Indian parents who could afford amniocentesis , the rich ones , wanted sons and they certainly did n't want daughters , because they aborted ninety five point five percent of the daughters but none of the sons , even when the sons were genetically defective .
6 With the race being the first nominated for the Commonwealth Games panel to ride , the 80-strong field contained a big 21 contingent of top riders and they closely marked each other for most of the race .
7 Oddly , he finds that about 70 per cent of his clients end up buying very different homes than they originally intended .
8 Such choices may be exploited , and fed , by commercial considerations but they ultimately reflect an actual desire for a specific type of medium .
9 Most low attainers lack knowledge of the relationship between metric units and they also have problems with decimals .
10 His troops were left outside that city throughout the entire bitter winter of 1942–1943 , resulting in the loss of a quarter of a million German troops when they eventually surrendered to the Russians on 2nd , February 1943 .
11 Er they 're still proper funerals but they basically bulk buying so the cost will be Typically about
12 They achieve different things and they probably represent a hierarchy of development or an historical sequence .
13 Played by people who keep so busy with minute details that they always seem harassed .
14 New parties partly reflect the breakdown of old loyalties but they also encourage volatility by offering a wider range of choice
15 ‘ It 's all very well having top foreign players but they also want coaches to help develop their local talent . ’
16 Normally common sense and her instinct for self-protection , much sharpened since her disastrous relationship with Giles , would have outlawed such foolish thoughts before they even reached her conscious mind .
17 Young people who abuse drugs regularly often end up as very immature adults because they never learn to cope with their problems .
18 These 2 sides are old aquaintances and they never forget .
19 He would not accept their continual bleatings that they just wanted to ‘ be in a band and make great records . ’
20 There are also others whose role in the home has changed or who have taken perhaps lesser jobs than they once had . ’
21 Many studies of previous generations have shown that many young people leave rural areas before they even enter the job market , and that these migrants are the most able and motivated ( Rieger , 1972 ; Hannan , 1969 ) thus adding weight to the theory of cumulative causation , as the less able young , the old , and the redundant come to form a greater and greater proportion of the population .
22 Most attention in the past , however , has been given to residential differentiation within urban areas , whereas the current trends are operating on a much broader canvas , such that young school leavers are drawn to London from all over Britain , older people retire to remoter rural areas where they previously enjoyed holidays , and young married couples move not just to the suburbs but to smaller cities and towns situated at considerable distance from the major urban centres .
23 They were attractive-looking animals and they often allowed us to get quite close .
24 This , in effect , meant that the Sunnis were their principal antagonists and they thus proceeded to capitalise on the good will of the Christians , their oldest friends , by creating a new state which stripped Tyre , Sidon , Tripoli , the Bekaa Valley and Beirut itself district ) of Mount Lebanon , the very backbone of Maronite Christianity .
25 ‘ I thought , ‘ well , it 's the Boat Race , not very high-powered crews considering they mostly do other things ’ .
26 So far lost to sanity were many of the Dark Elves that they readily agreed .
27 The secret policemen made themselves so hated by ordinary Iraqis that they now depend on the president 's protection almost as much as he depends on theirs .
28 Because these will be resent as we know that have individual needs in individual ways and they often rub off one against the other if they live in closeness as we all do .
29 But if those forms of capital are n't available then the business has to raise capital by some other means and this is very often done by liquidated assets that they currently hold and releasing the capital for the new project .
30 We calculate that on an estimate of what we think has happened to employment in the quarter erm and that calculation tells us , and it seems to be re reasonably right in the sense that it 's got a , a good tr a good record of tracking erm the official numbers when they eventually come out .
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