Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] they [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Robin Gurdon , who met them at army headquarters , was to guide the party through the southernmost part of the British lines as they hoped that by skirting the edge of the depression , they would avoid any main concentrations of German troops .
2 Totally unexpected because frankly no government , no civil service would have given us as much money for residential places as they did if they 'd known .
3 And I think erm the article itself erm s says in , in the , the first part it , it seems to be written in a very sort of erm very pro-peasant style , it 's like a justification of things that are happening , he s says that the reasons for the , the peasant movement were the exact opposite of what the gentry in Hankow and Changchun were saying erm that the , that the Party , that the revolutionary authorities had , had taken wrong measures because they thought that the reasons for these movements were , were otherwise and these we they were considered detrimental so they had to change these , these er original wrong meas measures to benefit the future of the revolution .
4 Even the populists raised similar issues but they discovered that there was greater mileage in personal attacks on the individuals involved in planning .
5 Indeed , some went so far as to ‘ play dumb ’ when they were with male students because they knew that the men did n't like clever women .
6 They proceeded slowly in the afternoon sun , Victoria content to gaze up at the massed conifers as they passed and listen to the rhythmic grating of the eight small horse-shoes on the roadway .
7 Two swallows , their rapid wings slicing the air like scissors , flashed their white bellies as they turned and dived right in front of her face .
8 The lords compelled the peasants to hand over a considerable portion of the agricultural goods that they produced as tenant farmers on small strips of land , and also to perform customary services directly for the benefit of the lord .
9 Once the disorder has developed , the impact of environmental circumstances on its course and outcome is relatively easily established : the difficult issue of reconstructing family relationships and other environmental circumstances as they existed before the appearance of symptoms is unnecessary .
10 Five years six years ago they introduced the postal wallets because they found that estate agents were sending the very expensive glossy brochures out in the post .
11 ‘ I was the first one to experience this sort of pressure , while players like Ian Wright and Keith Curle can go for extraordinary amounts but they escaped because they were not the record signings .
12 I saw the Rabbit Grounds again , and the flaming bodies as they jumped and sped .
13 There they spend the summer in a state of suspended animation , sustained by the fat reserves that they accumulated when they were caterpillars .
14 and I thought come into my head , it 's probably complete rubbish but it seems logical at the time which was , if you got rid of er , a lot of the various taxes that they paid and put everything on to VAT , apart from the fact that you 'd be a few , just by upping the rate of VAT they would collect the extra monies , you 'd save a lot of the money you 'd pay in administration costs by , all the various different departments er
15 When she came out , Iris was on the balcony doing her morning routine of breathing exercises , straight-backed , the sleeves of her cotton robe falling away from her thin arms as they rose and fell in time with the rhythmic and somewhat noisy intake and expulsion of air .
16 The Committee 's report thus concluded that these practices were necessary in modern circumstances but they suggested that , because of haphazard evolution , the practices lacked coherence and the system should therefore be regularized and checked .
17 The panels were decorated with the portraits of the twelve Marshals of the First Empire , in their splendid uniforms ; the tall windows were hung with red velvet draperies with golden fringes and they seemed but tiny openings in the enormous room .
18 They were particularly influential in the later new towns where they reaffirmed and codified practice already established in the ‘ Mark I ’ towns .
19 erm the minor awards or discretionary awards as they became and that 's erm , I was given this job and er that 's how it 's built up really over the years .
20 On the one hand there were ‘ good girls ’ who were potential wives because they cooked and cleaned , were faithful and submissive .
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