Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 There were rainbow clumps of raw colour which sizzled and suddenly coiled into snakelike forms as she approached and lifted serpentine heads to hiss at her ; there were pouring cascades of things that had appeared to be silk or velvet , but which were molten gold when she got nearer and made her remember Fael-Inis and the cascading River and the salamanders .
2 I found I would eat as much of the unrestricted foods as I wanted and I still steadily lost weight .
3 The van slewed wildly , but kept travelling , smoke appearing from its rear tyres as it swerved and skidded back towards the exit .
4 They proceeded slowly in the afternoon sun , Victoria content to gaze up at the massed conifers as they passed and listen to the rhythmic grating of the eight small horse-shoes on the roadway .
5 Rain lifted each and saw how the dark blobs of their shadows stretched to magnified shapes as she held and turned them .
6 Two swallows , their rapid wings slicing the air like scissors , flashed their white bellies as they turned and dived right in front of her face .
7 One thing we did know for sure was that it was not keep-fit exercises that we needed but homes that were ‘ fit ’ to live in and incomes or benefits that prevented us from having to choose between dying from hypothermia or malnutrition !
8 I first knew it unmistakably when Herr Sussmeyer replied to my first letter , saying he had this quest for pubic hairs because he loved and respected women so much .
9 I saw the Rabbit Grounds again , and the flaming bodies as they jumped and sped .
10 He reached across and unfastened her seatbelt , then pulled her to him , smiling tauntingly into her startled eyes before he bent and took her mouth in a kiss that sent a shaft of white-hot flame licking along her veins .
11 We were puttering up river late in the afternoon and the sun was beginning to go down over these huge trees and a flight of big birds , herons or something , were taking off like pink seaplanes as someone said and the second assistant suddenly stood up and yelled out This is paradise , this is fucking paradise .
12 and I thought come into my head , it 's probably complete rubbish but it seems logical at the time which was , if you got rid of er , a lot of the various taxes that they paid and put everything on to VAT , apart from the fact that you 'd be a few , just by upping the rate of VAT they would collect the extra monies , you 'd save a lot of the money you 'd pay in administration costs by , all the various different departments er
13 Devraux was staring towards the front flaps as she entered and he froze when he saw her .
14 When she came out , Iris was on the balcony doing her morning routine of breathing exercises , straight-backed , the sleeves of her cotton robe falling away from her thin arms as they rose and fell in time with the rhythmic and somewhat noisy intake and expulsion of air .
15 Success came early for Paula who , at 19 , was being flown on modelling assignments to exotic locations all over the world : ‘ But I was alone , with other models and we drank and drank and drank .
16 The panels were decorated with the portraits of the twelve Marshals of the First Empire , in their splendid uniforms ; the tall windows were hung with red velvet draperies with golden fringes and they seemed but tiny openings in the enormous room .
17 They were particularly influential in the later new towns where they reaffirmed and codified practice already established in the ‘ Mark I ’ towns .
18 not unhappy at staying away from a western business man , even though he might be a temporary guest of the State ; after all , they were permanent guests and who knew but … .
19 erm the minor awards or discretionary awards as they became and that 's erm , I was given this job and er that 's how it 's built up really over the years .
20 On the one hand there were ‘ good girls ’ who were potential wives because they cooked and cleaned , were faithful and submissive .
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