Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [noun] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 Everyone said what they thought and I said I had always believed in God and Jesus Christ due to my upbringing , personal feelings and experiences but I found commitment difficult .
2 ‘ There are some personal bits and pieces that I 'd like to hang on to but you can chuck the rest , I should think . ’
3 Without Kāli , the path seemed narrower , less clearly defined , and there were little forks and side-tracks that I only half-remembered .
4 Is it erm the national parks and greenbelt or I 'd like to understand what it means .
5 No , have I heck , I have n't got enough money for a , really good clothes and shoes that I 'd like
6 They , they think now that they 've got a feeling that this might be taken out , all these testing schemes and stuff because I said to them , While their argument is that while she 's doing these SAT schemes , and she 's following this , she 's all worked up ,
7 It 's the measurable ones and training that I 'm just not I do n't know what that means .
8 So I got Peggy up from Somerset , on the same farm you see , and that was much better , and erm we 've been cycling to Stroud , to the pictures you know , 8 miles there and 8 miles back , and erm but the awful job he gave me to do for a few days was along , there was a young lad there and he was going to drive the old heavy fords and tractor and I was going to walk behind , and he 'd got converted horse drags I suppose they call them
9 As I mentioned at the beginning , many of the methodological problems are faced by other social scientists , and , of course , sociologists of religion will also employ other sociological methods and techniques that I have not specifically mentioned ( it was , for example , important to use a pilot questionnaire to test my questions for ambiguities and so on ) .
10 We can expect more statements in the coming weeks and months and I am certain they will be about more than the separation of the Prince and Princess of Wales , which is not a grave legal or constitutional matter .
11 He wore a rich robe so encrusted with precious metals and stones that I wondered if he could stand up under the weight And his eyes were tiny , wet and somehow avid as he looked me over — wholly ignoring Mala — from head to foot .
12 ‘ I 've visited all the notable churches and cathedrals but I very much enjoy discovering places that are n't particularly prominent in guide books : going around a corner in a village in France and discovering a gem .
13 I have not written to any other directors or shareholders as I presume you are in a position to pass on this enquiry .
14 The actor Paul Blake and his wife Kate , who are friends of ours , have two young daughters and Abi and I found we really enjoyed their company .
15 They 've been taken as typical of the senior editors and right across every function area is is covered by that and I 've got erm sample job descriptions for all the editorial levels and I can get them for any other secretarial levels or design and I can acquire those if you want to see what has been done in terms of trying to draw up a framework , you know , that kind of thing .
16 I am , I was born in Essex , in in hospital and my family all come from Essex , and I was brought up in Upminster and I was very fortunate in that I was born into a christian home and I had christian parents and christian grandparents and christian aunts and uncles and I went to church from the time I was about two or three weeks old .
17 They were spreading rumours that Mac and I knew the starter and that I had got away with a false start .
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