Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [conj] [v-ing] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 The truth is that C is a convenient scapegoat for those upset by The Shamen 's commercial ambitions and looking for a way to convince themselves that , underneath it all , Colin 's still credible .
2 Then she turned and fled from the dance floor , pushing her way between the smooching couples and heading for the Ladies , a box of a room with pegs lining two walls , a flyblown mirror over a grubby cracked china sink and two cubicles .
3 Rita , beautifully and accurately played by Judy Holt , fulfils her personal goals and craving for a knowledge-filled , disciplined mind .
4 He knew the details of ident laws and rationing for every country in Europe , he had mastered Dutch and French , and he still could not get a pipe to burn for more than three minutes at a stretch .
5 But having identified his natural enemies and spoiling for a fight , his resolve was not to be undermined by the moderation of others .
6 A smaller building company may be asked to provide more detailed financial information than is contained in the modified company accounts when applying to join a list of approved contractors or applying for a tenancy of , say , a builder 's yard or offices .
7 For Jack , time seemed to stand still as he sat at his stepfather 's bedside , gazing down into the inanimate features and waiting for a miracle .
8 This desire is also reflected in the encouragement given to pupils to undertake group projects , perhaps in making a display , organizing fund-raising events or planning for an excursion or residential experience .
9 Barton Lynch , sitting out the qualifying rounds and waiting for the main event , recalled the 1988 Billabong , which for the first time had been held at Pipeline .
10 George Dempster , the member of parliament for Dundee burghs , whose election at St. Andrews would ‘ certainly turn on a single vote unless I am able to provide a Councillors son in a Kirk ’ , urged nothing more than political consequences when pressing for the settlement of the St. Andrews clergyman , and many presentations were indeed political bribes .
11 Already the first squadrons of sepoy cavalry were swooping over the abandoned ramparts and racing for the Cutcherry to kick away just a few inches of that thin trickle of grey powder before it burnt its way home .
12 It buys weapons while Iraqi arms purchases are embargoed , and while UN inspectors prowl the Iraqi desert destroying chemical weapons and looking for the places where Mr Hussein may still be trying to build nuclear ones .
13 Reportedly it is seeking fellow travellers and financing for a Chorus project lilting code named Amadeus , having already used Wolfgang and Mozart to christen other projects .
14 The mania for forming industry consortia is getting so out of hand that a group of leading manufacturers , software developers and vendors are coming together to make some sense of it and eliminate duplicated effort by creating a single consortium to which everyone will be invited to belong : there is no confirmation of suggestions that the idea was the first initiative from new IBM Corp chief Louis Gerstner , who accedes to the top job today , but we hear that the army of companies is still bogged down arguing about what to call the thing — the best they 've dreamed up so far is the Consortium for Object-oriented Methods and Programming for the Unix Terminal and Enterprise-wide Recasting of Interactive Networked Database Undertakings with Software Transitioning and Revision for Y'all , but they ca n't find a snappy acronym to fit the words .
15 But much of Operation Gemini is about surveilance , observing known criminals and waiting for the right time to move in and make arrests , of which there have been more than a hundred and twenty since the operation started four weeks ago .
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