Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [pron] could [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Actually , he was more of a grizzly bear in human form — a short , solid man with a shaggy mane of hair and a full beard , and the twinkliest brown eyes anyone could ever imagine .
2 When Mr. Gosling picked the apples for me last month he left a few on the top branches he could n't reach , and they 're rather a temptation to boys , I expect .
3 No. 3 was directly opposite the palace , only a minute away , but he was stopped twice by tourists whose thick German accents he could n't begin to understand , and then by having to settle a violent argument between two drivers who had managed to crash while manoeuvring their cars out of their parking spaces .
4 In a curious way , and despite its commitment to vigorous prosecution of the war , Common Wealth provided a refuge for pacifist-minded individuals who could not bring themselves to oppose the anti-fascist war .
5 It was one of the only places that you could get banjo strings to put on the top , because in the old days you could n't get thin guitar strings .
6 Mr Tudball told a meeting of the exchange 's ship-broking members they could either remain at Lloyd 's of London or move to the old Billingsgate fish market in the meantime .
7 I 'm not 'aving my business ruined by a lot o' bleedin' idiots who could n't run a chip shop . ’
8 But , of course , the £50 deposit , at a time when the annual wage was less than £500 , was a powerful deterrent to all but the wealthiest families and remained so until the Baldwin Fund agreed to put up the money for children without guarantors or for foster parents who could not afford to pay .
9 In an ecosystem , identification of the trophic levels within the feeding hierarchy could be necessary in studies of specific areas which could then proceed to establish ‘ what eats what ’ and therefore how the trophic structure is built up .
10 We had a succession of God-awful nannies we could n't afford — Clemence 's books had n't started to sell at that point — but the upshot was that I left for work late , came home early .
11 Papua New Guinea , for example , may conjure up ideas of tropical jungles which could well appeal to would-be explorer executives but not to the home-loving family types .
12 And it was in me thoughts that I bred a bunch of punch-drunk pansies who could n't use their heads or , for that matter , any other part of their make-up , 'cept their fists .
13 If , however , a married man had children young enough to keep his wife at home , then during the high-price years he could not have earned enough to support his family without supplementation .
14 The result , apparently , was a dramatic increase in sales , and no doubt a hidden bonus of contented customers who could actually understand in autumn why nothing had happened to ‘ those blasted seeds ’ they had planted in the spring .
15 Perhaps that pervasive sense of a struggle for existence , a natural selection in which , after all , victory or even survival proved both fitness and the essentially moral qualities which could alone achieve fitness , reflects an adaptation of the old bourgeois ethic to the new situation .
16 Such events , however , were not very frequent — a whole year might pass without one — and so the only additional earnings he could usually rely on were his winnings at the weekly bridge school .
17 Some studies stated quite explicitly that they had chosen to study young men only because they felt that as male ethnographers they could only portray the male point of view .
18 Nervous tourists who could n't afford or probably could n't bear to go out any further , or bottom-rate passengers on a stopover .
19 They had lost weight by taking appetite suppressors , fasting or going on highly restrictive diets they could not sustain , avoiding all favourite foods .
20 The police interrogator tends to approach his suspect , and sometimes even witnesses , with definite expectations which could inadvertently affect the information he gets from them .
21 Another case example of international big business creating new markets for itself , then using these countries as a dumping ground for substandard products it could n't sell in Europe or the United States .
22 Well where would you , mind you I suppose like in the olden days you could only get big prams , they just had them in the living room did n't they ?
23 Many runners spend far too much time fretting about what pace they hope to run , or whether to wear gloves , while ignoring more basic details which could eventually affect their even getting to the start .
24 A few local unions of an unquestionably bona fide description were founded and survived despite the difficulties of finding competent and incorruptible leaders who could adequately represent the interests of an ill-educated and frequently itinerant membership which was more often than not at sea .
25 Except that the mattress had smelt musty , and that as they lay in bed through those long cold mornings they could just see the spire of the Congregational church through the window .
26 The Press would never have been able to do its destructive job without the help of Labour figures who could n't pass a TV camera or journalist 's notebook without making a disloyal remark .
27 Beside him , Melanie was acutely conscious of her clumsy hands and the long legs she could not arrange elegantly , no matter how hard she tried .
28 He told her some more , including complex words she could not follow and which she was sure she was not meant to .
29 At one end of the scale are those competent enthusiasts who could probably have qualified as professionals had their careers taken a different course .
30 ‘ Even his poor bones we could n't keep safe . ’
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