Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] up on the " in BNC.

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1 All round there are No Smoking signs strung up on the fences .
2 There had been some hefty wooden icons hanging up on the walls , and , if they had burnt , then there would have been something left of them lying around on the floor .
3 I heard many a rumour in Suffolk pubs of Germans dressed as British soldiers turning up on the shoreline , and I found locals who insisted that Churchill had visited the area in November 1943 and inspected some American bomber bases .
4 If the more rural areas show up on the whole slightly better than the more populous places that is perhaps a feature that occurs in other aspects of Scottish life ; and let the indwellers in those backward centres of population not repine .
5 Especially if more of his carefully-planned meals end up on the wall than in his mouth .
6 Scientists report that 150 dead or dying dolphins washed up on the shores of Italy and Sicily since June were infected by the same morbillivirus which accounted for those killed in 1990 [ see ED no .
7 Perhaps only three or four keys on the typewriter keyboard that the computer will have need to be pressed at all , and if a child presses the wrong one it does n't all stop and funny , you know , impersonal messages come up on the screen saying he 's done something wrong , it just ignores them and waits for one of the correct responses .
8 What made things particularly difficult was that I felt I was n't Black enough for my Black colleagues and that white workers picking up on the division used this to their advantage by divide-and-rule tactics .
9 The two human parcels screwed up on the floor could have fared a whole lot worse .
10 There was still the warehouse on his left , and a derelict site beyond that , with occupied flats coming up on the right …
11 I think it 's important for you to recognize , you 'll see form that plan that all the major radials end up on the York inner ring road .
12 Having said that , there 's a programme called Star Test , where the interviewer is a computer , albeit with a female voice , and interviewees are invited to select from alternative questions flashed up on the screen !
13 Nineteenth-century industrial settlements grew up on the north side of Bolton with the great textile boom , when wealthy mill-owners created model villages after the example of Port Sunlight ( q.v . ) .
14 Torrance suffered the jibes and in those early days of his experimentation there were often queues of fellow pros lining up on the practice putting greens of Europe to have a go themselves .
15 Through the wide-open window floated the lightest of breezes , tangy with the scent of wild herbs growing up on the rugged hills behind the town .
16 Huge crowds built up on the Western side of the Wall as West Berliners witnessed the historic developments , some even crossing over into the East for a walk .
17 So here 's the proof that not all one-miss blunders end up on the dole queue .
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