Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] they [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The big four have asked all Japanese corporations with equity-financing plans to postpone them for the time being .
2 The wide , dry eyes followed them from the kitchen as they took their leave .
3 The majority of Athenian citizens were working men who needed the meagre payment that was eventually made for carrying out public duties to compensate them for the loss of daily earnings .
4 Some of the houses were built on high platforms to protect them from the June floods .
5 Det Insp Brian Welfare , of Sussex CID , said that he had met the university 's residential advisers to alert them to the risk to other students .
6 Kuwait is urging the commission to encourage all countries holding frozen Iraqi assets to transfer them to the commission to meet claims .
7 The rather flat results of the autumn sales of nineteenth-century paintings in New York indicated that the market remains somewhat thin , although , as usual , good pictures , attractively priced , nearly always sell , if not for the frequently high estimates given them by the auction houses .
8 All sailors throughout the year need light , waterproof anoraks to protect them from the chilling effect of light spray in strong winds .
9 It has been agreed to call these antibodies perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies to differentiate them from the classical cANCA present in Wegener 's granulomatosis .
10 His sad tones prepared them for the news as he announced that German troops had not withdrawn from Poland and consequently Britain was now at war with Germany .
11 We have sent out more than 1 million letters to individual customers to advise them of the change that we are making and the benefits inquiry line has provided back-up information for those who have received such letters .
12 They also had magnifying glasses to help them with the extraordinarily fine detail which they worked into the seal images : some lenses were found in a Middle Minoan tomb at Knossos .
13 If migrating birds are caught up in a storm , or blown off course , it can be disastrous for , even undisturbed these vast journeys stretch them to the limit .
14 Warwickshire unsurprisingly lost to Notts in their first four-day game but Smith 's five first-innings wickets kept them in the game until the final day .
15 The fact is that men and women of that day inhabited separate worlds ; their social rounds and domestic activities kept them in the society of their own sex much of the time .
16 Only people with soft heads stick them in the sand and wait to be kicked up the arse by little cheats and liars .
17 But from when she had been sixteen and had left the Dame School and stepped right into the home life above the shop , it had been borne into her that marriage was a humdrum affair : two people lived together , apparently happy , yet went their own ways , as shown by her parents ; they did n't think alike , yet they did n't argue ; they never laughed at the same things , nor did local or national events affect them in the same way .
18 The IBEC , established in 1990 , brought together Western advisers and officials from the Baltic states to advise them on the transformation to a market economy .
19 No doubt a finder of perishable commodities would be justified in taking any reasonable steps to preserve them pending the ascertainment of their owner ; e.g .
20 Push dry straw under the ripening fruits to lift them off the soil and deter slugs .
21 He appealed directly to the pieds noirs and the army , using rhetoric that combined intimidating references to the authority of the state with tendentious but effective arguments to reassure them about the " real " aim of his policy .
22 Miss Armstrong said Labour wanted to work alongside the existing CTCs to bring them within the mainstream education system .
23 It is thought that , because bacteria are so tiny , the Earth 's gravity has little effect on them and they need their miniature magnets to guide them into the sediment .
24 So , naturally , many insect-eating animals pursue them in the air .
25 However , whilst there is no need to take account of the attributes of a particular contracting partner , if a business contracts with people of a particular class , the steps must be reasonably sufficient to bring the terms to the notice of a member of that class — in Richardson , Spence & Co v Rowntree [ 1894 ] AC 217 , terms on a steamer ticket for carriage in steerage class were not incorporated into a contract because the defendant had taken insufficient steps to bring them to the notice of steerage class passengers .
26 This was protected on the landward side by the Portsea Lines but the garrison would be harassed by small boats taking them in the rear via the channel between Portsea and Hayling Island .
27 ‘ Too soft you are , girl , ’ Win Morgan broke her bread into small pieces soaking them in the soup , ‘ ca n't be responsible for the whole neighbourhood , can you ?
28 Riders from the Empire sent word to Bretonnia , Kislev , and the southern kingdoms warning them of the inevitable approach of the armada .
29 Webs of bilateral deals protect them from the full brunt of competition .
30 When Swayne stopped speaking small sounds reached them from the street : a woman 's heels tapping on the paving stones , a snatch of conversation from the people opposite …
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